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from William Hughes
"On July 7, 2010, at “The Spy Museum,” in Washington, D.C., the IRmep sponsored a panel discussion. It was titled: “Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal: Espionage, Opacity and Future.” One of the speakers was the IRmep’s Director, Grant F. Smith. He is the author of the books, “Spy Trade,” “America’s Defense Line” and “Foreign Agents.” Smith underscored in his remarks that President John F. Kennedy tried to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. And, that his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, the then-U. S. Attorney General, had “ordered” a then-leading Israeli front group in this country “to register as a foreign agent.” For background on this event and its sponsor, The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, go to: http://irmep.org/Defaults.asp (29 minutes, 04 seconds)"