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from William Hughes
On Thursday evening, Aug. 5, 2010, Baltimore City’s Planning Commission held a public hearing in the Benton Building, near the City Hall. The matter before the panel is officially known as “The 25th Street Station” project. Wal-Mart, however, will be the biggest tenant in the development. It is looking to open a “93,000-square-foot store,” according to Baltimore Brew’s reporter, Elizabeth Suman. See: http://www.baltimorebrew.com/2010/08/05/baltimore-v-wal-mart-showdown-tonight-at-planning-commission-hearing/
One of the witnesses testifying at the hearing was Brendan Bakowski Coyne, President of Bmore Local, a coalition for Smarter Development. He asked the panel to return an unfavorable recommendation to the City Council on the project. Mr. Coyne, who lives in Charles Village, presented a paper to the Commission, which listed “13 requirements,” that his group was requesting be made part of any legislation dealing with the project, if it passes. For background on Bmore Local, go to: http://bmorelocal.net/