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from William Hughes
A spirited rally was held in a park, on Sunday afternoon, August 8, 2010, in the town of Quantico, VA, in support of Private Bradley Manning. Currently, he is incarcerated in a prison at the Quantico Marine Base. It surrounds the town, which borders on the Potomac River. Private Manning is charged with releasing a video which showed, “the killing of civilians and journalist in Iraq,” by U.S. forces, according to a press release of one of the event’s sponsors. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, served as the moderator for the rally, which was entitled: “Free Bradley Manning. For background on the “alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning,” see: http://www.bradleymanning.org/ Speaking at the demonstration were: Jeff Paterson, Ellen Barfeld, Mike Marceau, Matt Southworth, Phyllis Bennis, Ray McGovern, Josh Stieber, Andrew Castro and the Rev. Lennox Yearwood. Note: A special thanks to the Mayor of Quantico, VA, the Hon. Iris Tharp. According to Medea Benjamin, she granted a permit to hold the demonstration at the 11th hour because she is a “supporter of Free Speech.” (55 Minutes, 45 Seconds)