« Sights and Scenes from the End-the-Wars Action at the White House on Dec. 16, 2010. | Stuttgart - Palästinakonferenz - Grussadresse von Gilad Atzmon » |
from: Bill Hughes
Four of the speakers at the Veterans for Peace-led antiwar demonstration at the White House on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010, are activists, who have long advocated for the cause of Peace and for Social Justice issues. They are: Dr. Margaret Flowers, a champion of an Expanded Medicare for All Healthcare System; Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst; Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CODEPINK; and, Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition. All four were later arrested, in an act of “Civil Resistance,” in front of the White House protesting the wars. To learn more about their arrests and the charges place against them, go to: http://veteransforpeace.org/