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I wanted to turn this video off after five minutes because it is so sickeningly brutal. The tazering sounds, the choking noises, the gurgling noises, the grunts and moans of pain as they kicked and punched him and broke his ribs. They nearly tortured this handcuffed innocent man to death. Had he not been hospitalized he would have died from his injuries. Thousands of Americans die each year at the hands of police like these and the public doesn't hear anything about it. The police are rarely if ever punished and typically the punishment is absurdly light, which only encourages them to continue the brutality. This can happen to any American who isn't rich. Anyone from another country thinking of coming to America should see this video to dispel any illusions about freedom, democracy, and the so called Bill of Rights. America has become a cruel fascist state that fights "never ending war" and tortures the people of the world and it's own poor people. - http://www.wsmv.com/story/15051194/man-beaten-by-police-released