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wtf people we are in a world of shit. In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it. america a made in china store ran by federal reserve bank Nearly all US Presidents are Related to the British and French Royal Families selected by Bilderberg Group with fake elections have great time with soft kill Vaccines & have cold glass of Fluoride and Water & gmo food & injoy some RFID CHIPS with cell phones & take nice Vacation your FEMA camps so they can treat you well with the NDAA :) wellcome to the USA Drone bees drone bugs flying computers to kill U DEAD & the air is safe as well we got chemtrails injoy your short painful life in the 10 fema regions & CISPA style innernet & Shadow Government | Who Rules America & Jewish Controlled Media & have a Orwellian day.