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Avoiding GMOs can be a challenge given the fact that Monsanto continues to silence most any legislation looking to enforce the labeling of GMOs on a state-wide of nationwide level, however it is very possible. While the best option is searching for a high quality organic source sporting the USDA organic label, there are certainly alternatives to reduce your consumption of GMOS when it comes to non-organic food sources. For starters, some non-organic food items are "Non-GMO" verified by the Non-GMO Project. These have been found to be trustworthy non-GMO sources, while non-verified "Non-GMO" claims have actually been found to amount to nothing. This label is essential when avoiding GMOs in non-organic products that may still be free of GMOs (among the most damaging ingredients in conventional foods). Outside of that, try and avoid heavily modified foods such as:
Corn, Soy, Papaya, Cotton, Dairy, Aspartame
Avoiding GMOs is very possible it just requires a degree of knowledge and research on the subject.