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After the man threw his shoes at Paul Bremer, he yelled: “You destroyed the country, fuck you and fuck your democracy.” Of course Bremer couldn't accept the truth, instead he claimed that the people of Iraq were better off without Saddam Hussein. Politicians seem to be incapable of introspection, of acknowledging the misery they cause. In Iraq millions of innocent men, women, and children were murdered, wounded, and maimed. The cities were bombed to rubble, oil fields looted, and the country has been polluted by hundreds of tonnes of American depleted Uranium weapons. Iraqi women now give birth to horribly deformed children and untold thousand are dieing in a never ending cancer plague. Saddam Hussein was just a mortal man, but the depleted uranium spread over Iraq is forever. This is both the worst war crime in history and a crime against the earth and the eco system.