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Professor Cornel West: Obama Is A 'War Criminal' Like Nixon And Bush...
Juan Williams, in for Bill O'Reilly tonight took on Madea Benjamin, the founder of Code Pink, over the assertion that President Obama is a war criminal for the administration's controversial drone program. Benjamin told Williams that drone strikes make the United States less safe because they end up creating more terrorists as a result of the strikes.
Williams pointed to comments by Professor Cornel West calling Obama a "war criminal." Williams asked Benjamin if she agrees with West. Benjamin argued that Obama's drone policy "terrorizes entire nations," calling it the "best recruiting tool for extremists organizations" while hurting the safety of the United States.
Williams grilled Benjamin on why it threatens Americans when the government sends out drones to take out dangerous terrorists. Benjamin highlighted the innocents killed by the drone strikes, arguing that every time a drone kills an innocent person, more people will start joining al-Qaeda. Williams told Benjamin what she's saying is "not true," suggesting that people in these nations would be less enthusiastic about the U.S. military moving in.
Benjamin accused the United States of "using terrorism" in nations like Pakistan, where people believe that the U.S. is their enemy. She insisted that the drone strikes are directly resulting in more people joining al-Qaeda. Williams shot back by accusing Benjamin of trying to "blame the United States" for targeting terrorists. He added that killing terrorists actually does make the United States safer. Benjamin responded, "We're creating more terrorists than we're killing."