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On Monday evening, July 22, 2013, Heather Mizeur, a progressive Democrat and a member of the House of Delegates from Montgomery County, held a fundraiser in Baltimore City. She is running for the office of Governor and is the first openly Gay candidate to ever do so. The event was held at Station North Arts Cafe Gallery on North Charles Street, near North Avenue. Co-owner Kevin Brown acted as the host for the happening. One of the issues in remarks to her supporters, Ms. Mizeur promised to address, when elected governor, “is reforming the criminal justice system.” Many social justice activists will recall that she was a staunch opponent, along with many in the community, of the O’Malley-Brown plan to build a $70 million youth jail facility in the city. That misguided proposal was eventually abandoned. To learn more about Ms. Mizeur’s candidacy, go to: http://www.heathermizeur.com/about-heather. An album of 22 photos, at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10201709198155101.1073741902.1334685315&type=1&l=a77fc40a1e