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The first video represents respect for freedom and human rights to the point of self endangerment on the part of the police. The second video represents the furthest extreme of police state and repression.
The first video takes place in Moscow, the capitol city of Russia. A Dagestani street vendor suspected of rape refuses to be arrested and wrestles with two policemen who are excessively gentle, tolerant, and patient with him. A third policeman is being attacked by the street vendor's wife, who punches and slaps him repeatedly. The officer does nothing to restrain her and tries only to keep her separated from her husband. Her husband breaks free from the other officers and runs over to his wife and the lone officer and pulls an iron sphere out of his pocket and hits the young policeman in his forehead fracturing his scull and sending him to the pavement seriously injured. The other two officers do not draw their guns, but decide instead to let the street vendor go free.
Later the Russian authorities have a change of heart and remove five policeman from their jobs including a captain, which is something that is never done in America, where hundreds of thousands of cases of police brutality and incompetence are routinely swept under the rug every year, and where police are almost never punished or fired for their actions.
The young policeman who suffered the impression in his skull will undergoes a difficult and dangerous surgery to recover the appearance of his face and take the pressure off of his brain. The Russian authorities in Moscow arrested over 300 Dagestanis in their search for the man who hit the policeman and caught him. He had shaved off his beard and was attempting to leave Moscow. In this video interview the man says he fears for his life and thinks he will meet his end in the Russian prison system.
The entire incident is a terrible tragedy for both the young policeman who suffered the injury to his head and face and the young Dagestani street vendor who's life will probably be destroyed because of a moment of foolishness and anger.
In the second video a few people started dancing in the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C., the Capitol city of America. Some were roughly thrown to the ground, handcuffed behind their backs and hauled away to jail. One old black man with a large unwieldy video camera was herded from the monument brusquely while other onlookers with cell phones were allowed to record unhindered. Eventually all the bewildered and disillusioned tourists were forced to vacate the monument. So it would seem that in America to dance in certain places is a serious enough crime for police to throw people to the ground, handcuff them and haul them away to jail to await trial and possible imprisonment.
"I'm french and i want my country to take back the statue of liberty. You do not deserve it anymore USA, sorry about that..." Comment on You Tube by Frenchkisssss July 29, 2013