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On Wednesday evening, Nov. 13th, a debate was held on the issue of our country’s use of drones abroad for targeted killing purposes. Law Professor Jonathan Turley said that with respect to this issue that “President Barack Obama is at war with the rule of law.” He added that this White House has created “an imperial presidency.” Turley’s opponent, Professor Gregory McNeal, defended the administration’s position. His arguments can be found at “Gregory S. McNeal,” at: http://gsmcneal.com The event was held on the campus of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. To learn more about this controversial issue, go to “Human Rights Working Group at JHU,” at: https://www.facebook.com/events/459066010880279/; “Rolling Stone Politics,” at: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-rise-of-the-killer-drones-how-america-goes-to-war-in-secret-20120416; and, activist Medea Benjamin’s excellent book, “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,” at: http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/drone-warfare/
"Law Professor Jonathan Turley at JHU" ©Bill Hughes