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Fortunately for the banks the American people are fluoride drinking mercury injected GMO eating slaves who will never wake up. We the people have paid the Rothschild federal reserve bank since 1913 to print our money at interest instead of simply printing our own money for free. The IRS was also created in 1913 to collect taxes from the people to pay the interest on the money the bankers print. A tiny click of multitrillionaire central bankers easily enslaved the American people in 1913 and continues to rule over them bleeding them endlessly. And when the sheeple bleat too loudly under the load of the bankers taking profit again and again, the people are threatened with 'martial law' by the bank's puppet politicians. They use us to fight their "never ending" wars for profit. The world the bankers have created for us to live in is a hell world, but they would rather rule in hell than serve in utopia. We could have freedom, peace, and plenty for all, but they will not let us. All those who have tried to lead humanity out of bondage or who found some new power source which would free us, have been eliminated.