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There will be serious penalties for, ‘just following orders’
In seven years or less those humans left alive on the earth will be fully awake and they will understand the evil that now grips this world and threatens 95% of all human life. Only through divine intervention will humanity be saved from the globalists.
Remorseless homicidal multi billionaire psychopaths, sadists, eugenicists, pedophiles, monsters, now is their time on the earth. It’s the intent of the globalists to exterminate humanity. Their faithful political servants look into the cameras with straight faces, smile and talk and continue to propagate their incredibly evil plan. We are ruled by homicidal killers. They are like concentration camp guards, only following orders, but there will be no defense for their actions later.
There will be a Nuremberg category trial in a world court. Those globalists that are captured alive will be imprisoned. Only through imprisonment will they escape the wrath of humankind. All those great and small who took part in this attempted omnicide will pay a terrible price. The people will remember the tribulation began with mask and lock-down torture. The little enforcers of these cruelties will be remembered also. Just as the Nazis could not hide behind their duty to follow orders, the enforcers of these tortures on humanity will not escape punishment for their crimes.
They Sow The Wind of Omnicide and Reap The Whirlwind, the Wrath of God