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Dont take the COVID-19 mRNA injections based on the advice of a pathological liar. The globalists are using Biden because he is an immoral liar who will do and say anything they tell him to. Now this unelected stooge is telling everyone, "the good news!" There is enough poison serum for everybody. There was enough Cool Aid for everybody in Jonestown Guiana. Like Jim Jones, Biden tells the world's broken masses, come, come to America, everyone is welcome here. Come and get your PCR test and vaccine, come to Bidenstown and drink the cool aid.
The SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 mRNA injection is not a vaccine. A vaccine is a preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen such as a bacterium or virus, or an inert portion of the pathogen's structure. Upon administration to an individual the vaccine stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen, but is incapable of causing severe infection.
Measles and Polio are RNA viruses and there are RNA vaccines but Messenger RNA has never been used in any injection given to people until now. Messenger RNA is a piece of covid virus genetics called a spiked protein. Our immune system has not evolved to destroy the artificially isolated RNA spiked protein genetic structure. When antibodies try to attack the spiked protein it attaches to the antibody and turns it into a spiked protein factory continually producing more spiked proteins to flow throughout the body corrupting antibodies. This is called the Trojan horse mechanism because it allows a piece of the virus to get inside of the cells and replicate unhindered by the immune system. The compromised immune system no longer protects the body normally and the the covid virus genetics bind to our DNA.
The injections being called vaccines are an mRNA pathogenic primer that alters the immune system and human genome.
In 2005 an animal study was done with SARS-CoV-1 mRNA injections on ferrets. Two injections were administered in the same manner as the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 mRNA injections today. The ferrets showed no adverse reaction to the modification of their immune system and genome. After some time the ferrets were exposed to the SARS-CoV-1 coronavirus in the wild. The ferrets died immediately. The mRNA injections had caused a cytokine storm, a fatal cascade of exaggerated immune responses. The same experiment was also performed on cats. They received the mRNA injections and were initially healthy, but died immediately after exposure to the covid germ they were supposedly protected against. In attempting to modify the ferret's and cat's genome with the mRNA treatment the researchers had inadvertently discovered the perfect depopulation bio-weapon, the perfect kill switch for life.