« NAZISM, COVID-19 AND THE DESTRUCTION OF MODERN MEDICINE: AN INTERVIEW WITH VERA SHARAV | PART TWO | University of Texas Bioweapons Dept. Study: Do Not Take The Covid Shots » |
The globalists will use every tool at their disposal war, disease, poison vaccines, and of course starvation. Wheat up 60% in past three months, Corn up 35% in past three months, Beans up 66% in past three months, Bean oll up 100% in past three months, Beef up 40% in past three months, Chicken up 25% in past three months, The price of food has risen 50% during Biden's first three months in dictatorship. What if the price of food rises another 50% in the next three months? What happens if this continues for a year? Could American families know hunger and starvation like North Korea?