In seven years or less those humans left alive on the earth will be fully awake and they will understand the evil that now grips this world and threatens 95% of all human life. Only through divine intervention will humanity be saved from the globalists.
Remorseless homicidal multi billionaire psychopaths, sadists, eugenicists, pedophiles, monsters, now is their time on the earth. It’s the intent of the globalists to exterminate humanity. Their faithful political servants look into the cameras with straight faces, smile and talk and continue to propagate their incredibly evil plan. We are ruled by homicidal killers. They are like concentration camp guards, only following orders, but there will be no defense for their actions later.
There will be a Nuremberg category trial in a world court. Those globalists that are captured alive will be imprisoned. Only through imprisonment will they escape the wrath of humankind. All those great and small who took part in this attempted omnicide will pay a terrible price. The people will remember the tribulation began with mask and lock-down torture. The little enforcers of these cruelties will be remembered also. Just as the Nazis could not hide behind their duty to follow orders, the enforcers of these tortures on humanity will not escape punishment for their crimes.
A small group of people approximately 100 families believes they are powerful enough to carry out the mass murder of 95% of the human race. They don’t take into account any greater power than themselves, but God and Jesus exist. There is not only the force of evil, which is their true power, but there is the force of good. Ultimately they will fail, but not before killing billions.
The future suffering on the earth will be a horror beyond comprehension. The FEMA camps will be filled to capacity with those who refuse the pathogenic primer and later the injections containing the barcoded chips. Chinese made guillotines purchased by our corrupt government will be used in the FEMA camps to eliminate many millions. The globalists and their political servants will be successful at first, killing billions world wide with pathogens, execution, starvation, disease, and war, but with the help and power of God humanity will awaken.
The people will realize it is better to die fighting than to simply let the multi billionaire class kill us all. Millions died in the darkness and horror of Nazi Germany's camps, but a day of light a day of retribution and justice came. And that day will come again for the people of the earth. All those who took part in this omnicide will be punished. Those participants who were the richest capitalists and the most powerful political figures in the old world, will be imprisoned and brought to justice in the new world.
All participants in the globalist media, well known talking heads and those who told them what to say, will be tried for the endless torture of the people night and day with covid-19 lies and propaganda. Because of globalist media lies millions are convinced to take the SARS-Cov-2 Covid - 19 mRNA pathogenic primer resulting in the deaths of millions. Propagandizing the people for the globalists will be considered among the most serious crimes in a few years.
All those little political figures around the world who bankrupted their cities with lock-downs destroying families and lives tor their globalist masters and personal monetary gain will be remembered. All such small political figures who helped bring down the world economy and imposed the lock-down mask torture on humanity will will be brought to trial.
The sadistic law enforcement officers around the world who are more than eager to carry out the orders of the globalists to fine, beat, imprison, torture, and kill in the name of the completely non existent Covid-19 virus will be imprisoned in their own jails. There will be serious penalties for, ‘just following orders’.
After the deaths of billions of human beings, the billions of people remaining on earth will be fully awake to the globalist psyop. Those who ruled the world planed the most terrible crime in human history, omnicide. They sought to mass murder all of humanity including the military and police. No one will come to their defense. In the new world their money will no longer exist and their power will be stripped away from them. They sow the wind of omnicide and reap the whirlwind, the wrath of God.
For their crimes against nature and humanity they will surly burn for eternity in the lake of fire with their true god. Those little political and media pawns who survive their imprisonment will enter a hostile world with only the clothing on their backs, destitute and without assets, property, or money. Their final punishment; to be placed on the streets as homeless pariahs, where they will spend the remainder of their lives groveling to survive among the very people they had sought to murder. In some ways this fate for certain individuals will be worse than death.
It will be similar to the time of the French revolution on a grand scale. After this trauma, retribution and cleansing, human civilization will heal and rebuild. The bible predicts there will be peace for a thousand years. It will be a new beginning without the despotic ruling elite, psychopaths, pedophiles, sadists, and their murderous corrupt political minions feeding on dragging down and corrupting civilization. Humanity will no longer be ruled by those who worship the god of chaos, war, injustice, and disorder.