« Who Runs the Media? - General Delawarde Thrown Off Interview on France's CNews Live TV (English) | A message for all White men in today's U.S Military » |
Globalists and the super rich have made a hell on this earth for humanity. They live to torment good people with masks and lockdowns and Jesus is not in them. They derive pleasure from all forms of repression and are attempting to create hell on earth with forced Vaccines. They torture humanity with their perversions, pedophilia, Adrenochrome, and child murder. Yes prey to your demon lord fools, he hears you and awaits you. We people who you are torturing endlessly will know Jesus and we will never take your demon injections. We will spend eternity in heaven. But the globalists, the corrupt politicians, media talking heads, and sadistic police, who torture humanity endlessly will all burn in Hell for eternity.