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Link: https://youtu.be/RlS3QooVBxg
A year left before the arrival of the Mahdi and the most terrible time in the history of humanity. Time to repent and have a genuine change of heart and a close relationship with Jesus and God. If this doesn't interest you then burn in hell.
Proof the Mahdi is already here and America is lost. The Biden dictatorship has sold over 80,000 children into slavery. Some people say that thousands of children have been taken down into the underground tunnel system built by Bush to be tortured to death for their adrenalised blood and sacrificed to the hell god.
Child rape, child torture, and child sacrifice is a world wide phenomena fostered on humanity by the antichrist and his minions. Take note that globalist CNN is trying to discourage Americans from watching the movie, The Sound of Freedom. Remember this is the network that said Donald Trump has killed more people than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined and pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax on the American people for three years. CNN is now telling the American people that The Sound of Freedom is not true and there isn't a problem with pedophilia. CNN is exposing themselves. CNN is trying to protect the pedophiles that are raping, murdering, and sacrificing hundreds of thousands of children world wide. CNN is pure lies filth and slander, pure evil, and God is watching. Every one of the talking heads on CNN and the people that own CNN will burn in hell for eternity. Those who are fooled by CNN are at grave risk.