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Link: https://youtu.be/_WL10yK0sFY?si=Bw6Y97rgUGYKB91m
While watching this video take note of all the words that are no longer permitted to be spoken on YouTube.
Total societal control and the control of language are the goals of a tiny handful who hide themselves behind their puppet politicians and media. Ultimately, they want to control not only what people say but what they think.
The globalists will accomplish this by making common terms and words illegal and over time those expressions will be forgotten. This will deprive humanity of the ability to formulate certain ideas, thus controlling how people think, and society can then be molded into whatever the elite want it to be.
The process has already begun. A 16-year-old North Carolina high school student was suspended for racism because he said “illegal alien” while asking for clarification about the meaning of “illegal alien” in English class. The term 'illegal alien' is not racist but a description of someone who has committed the crime of entering a country without legal permission. In order to remove the concept that entering a country without legal permission is a crime, the term 'illegal alien' must be criminalized and removed from the syntax of spoken language. The Meaning of Treason
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