« 'The Emerald Forest' 1985 film directed by John Boorman | NEVER FORGET: YOUR GOVERNMENT TRIED TO MURDER YOU » |
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Md3IDUIKI
'The Valley of Light' was released Jan 28, 2007 seventeen years ago when America was a very different country. By todays woke liberal democrat standards such a movie as this is now considered too 'white' and racist.
Since the making of this movie the democrats, Obama and Biden, have flooded America with tens of millions of illiterate poverty-stricken immigrants. They have emptied the jails of south America and Africa into the United States, and now nearly 60% of the people in America were not born here.
The illegals know nothing of the America that once was. They know nothing about our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They know nothing of the freedoms, values, and country so many Americans gave their lives for. The America that produced this movie is dead, it was killed by the democrats.
Enjoy this beautiful American movie. Watch it in memory of the country that once was and will never be again.