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River of blood in Kursk: Ukrainian invasion force decimated – Over 2,000 dead – “There will be no mercy” Moscow declares

August 16th, 2024

Link: https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/08/15/river-of-blood-in-kursk-ukrainian-invasion-force-decimated-over-2000-dead-there-will-be-no-mercy-moscow-declares-vids-many/

America told Ukraine to invade Kursk and they would have a victory killing Russian civilians. And so across the border the Ukrainians went on a doomed mission into Russia to kill the innocent and occupy land they cannot hold.

In 2008 Mikheil Saakashvili's army of approximately 50,000 men with the help of 7000 Israeli and US special forces soldiers invaded eleven Russian towns and villages just inside the Georgian boarder next to Russia. They burned hundreds of Russian homes with the terrified families huddled inside. The men were killed, and the surviving women and children ordered out onto the interstate to walk over the border back to Russia. As they walked, American Abrams tanks came up behind them at a high speed and ran them over.

When Putin was told how Russian women and children had been run down by American tanks he became enraged. He called all the Russian generals to meet with him in the Moscow Kremlin where they decided to bring every available Russian weapon to bear against Georgia, with the exception of nuclear missiles. Although the old Soviet Union had collapsed, and Russia was greatly weakened the Russians retaliated with the full might of their remaining army and Airforce against the forces of Georgia, America, and Israel.

The Russians used tens of thousands of old Katosha rockets they had stored in warehouses since World War two. For seventy-two hours Katoshas rained down on Georgia. Secret Russian weapons were also used to literally melt American tanks down to their treads. When the three-day rain of death had ended, there wasn't a tree or a blade of grass remaining where military bases had once stood. Mikheil Saakashvili's army of fifty thousand men had been obliterated along with the Americans and Israelis.

Putin had a special message for the globalists and their puppet politicians. His statement went something like this: "We will not allow any country, any military force, to invade our cities and kill our people, to run over Russia women and children with tanks. Whoever shall attack Russian cities and kill our people will be subject to the full might of the Russia military. Understand this: We will swiftly and completely annihilate any force that invades our cities and attacks our civilian population." It would seem that America, NATO, and their globalist masters have forgotten Putin's stern warning and will suffer the consequences again.

And now we have the tiny globalist proxy army of Ukraine. They will not be fighting a dilapidated cold war era Russian military as Saakashvili did. They will be fighting the modern eight hundred-thousand-man Russian military armed with advanced weaponry. The Ukrainians like to call themselves nazis. They have forgotten what Russia did to the German nazis who killed thirty million of their people. None of the Ukrainians who invaded Kursk will leave Russia alive. They will be exterminated every inch of the twenty-one miles back to the boarder.

More videos of the Russian response to the killing of their people may be seen here:

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