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You have a short time to organize and stop the destruction of your country. You will be fighting a civil war against communist democrats. You will be fighting UN soldiers and millions of criminal invaders invited in by Biden. Don't expect any help from your woke Mark Milley Military. Thousands of our best soldiers are taking dishonorable discharges to avoid the death shots while those left are taking the death shots and will die.
I have to disagree with Mike Adams because every democrat I have encountered loves Biden and has taken the death shots. They watch CNN and want everybody to take the death shots, it's the liberal democrats who are burning our cities and killing, robbing, looting, and raping, it's the democrats who want millions of immigrants pouring in over the Mexican boarder, it's the democrats who are pedophiles and are raping children, it's the democrats who are forcing masks on children, it's the democrats who are introducing pornography and perversion to our children in the schools, it's the democrats who are traitors and want to abolish our constitution, it's the democrats who are aligned with the lying globalist media, its the democrats who love China and communism, it's the democrats who rig elections and steal their way into power. It's all the democrats who we are fighting against for our freedom and our country.
This CNN talking head liar will need to go everywhere with two bodyguards for the rest of his life, but even that won't be enough to save him in the future.
A rare instance in America when justice is done to a gang of democrat pedophiles
The democrats are bringing in millions of people from Africa and Haiti through the Mexican boarder to replace the millions of Americans they are killing with the death shots. keep voting for the democrats sheeple.
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