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They couldn't wait to shut him up and didn't let him speak for one second past his allotted time. Obviously he scared the shit out of them.
Its better to live free than to die groveling on your knees. Some Americans will never be the willing slaves of the traitors who rigged our election and stole our country. Some Americans refuse to live on their knees. They are a big problem for Biden and the democrats. The regime of pedophile liars is so afraid of Americans speaking freely they pass stupid declarations that all who criticize their covid19 psyop and their rigged election are terrorists. We terrorists outnumber the communist traitors by three to one and they have declared war on us, our way of life, and our country.
Democrat Americans fully support Biden and the death shot agenda. They want the vaccine, they want an additional billion illiterate poverty stricken people to come to America, and they want the utopian socialist communist paradise they were promised by their collage professors. These same Americans do not want the right to own a gun or to speak freely. They want the first and second amendments of the constitution removed. They also want police and prisons abolished. They are unwitting anarchists and satanists because they believe in order through chaos.
Not all Americans will take the death shots and die like good little lemmings. One hundred million healthy unvaccinated Americans will awaken to this murderous crime. God will not help the politicians who took bribes from big pharma to mass murder the American people. There will be no place for them to run, no place to hide. They will be hunted like the dangerous mass murdering criminals they are, when the bodies pile high.
If a white man attacks a negro with a hatchet he is definitely a hate criminal to be locked away for the rest of his life, but if a negro does it to a white person, the poor negro is disturbed and needs psychiatric help. After a couple of weeks he will be released to do it again. According to the globalist media: CNN and MSNBC, a real hate crime is when a white person owns a garage door with a small loop at the end of the pull chord. White people being beaten raped and murdered in the thousands by blacks isn't a hate crime because black people can't commit a hate crime. Hate crime is a term that describes what white people do to blacks. When blacks target white people for rape, robbery, and murder, it's just random crime according to the media. Those who complain about the epidemic of violent crime by blacks against whites are labeled white supremacists, bigots, and racists.This is war against white American citizens by the globalists and their media.
According to CNN MSNBC and Biden she is a white supremacist and deserved what she got. She committed a hate crime. She repeatedly hit an innocent black person with her face. Imagine how their hand was injured. Biden has a special kind of justice waiting for her and the other white Americans.
Leah Kinyon paces back in forth like a communist party boss ranting her CNN, MSNBC covid19 psyop fear terror screed. No wonder our children can't read or do simple math, they're not being taught. Whatever the globalist media lie of the day is, that is the lie of the lberal. Endless covid19 variant fear speak and demonizing of the unvacinated. Blame and righteous intolerance toward all those who think they are free. Covid shaming hatred for Trump, hatred for the unvaccinated, hatred for the parents of the unvaccinated. Schools have become indoctrination centers. The parents are in the way of the globalist communist takeover and depopulation agenda. Ignore your parents says the communist teacher, listen to CNN and listen to the thieves and liars who rigged the election and stole your country. The communist college professors and teachers will divide families divide the country and help the globalists destroy America unless we the people get off our knees and fight.
The death of her daughter was just a coincidence according to CNN and MSNBC, just like the other one million one hundred thousand vaccine death coincidences. Biden said the shot is 100% safe and effective and CNN said if you don't take the death shots you shouldn't eat. One has to wonder how much more shit the American people will take before they stand up.
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