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A smug and arrogent partisipant in the depopulation of the earth and the persecution of his own people, and a model for world repression.
After the deaths of billions of human beings, the billions of people remaining on earth will be fully awake to the globalist psyop. Those who ruled the world planed the most terrible crime in human history, omnicide. They sought to mass murder all of humanity including the military and police. No one will come to their defense. In the new world their money will no longer exist and their power will be stripped away from them. They sow the wind of omnicide and reap the whirlwind, the wrath of God.
For their crimes against nature and humanity they will surly burn for eternity in the lake of fire with their true god. Those little political and media pawns who survive their imprisonment will enter a hostile world with only the clothing on their backs, destitute and without assets, property, or money. Their final punishment; to be placed on the streets as homeless pariahs, where they will spend the remainder of their lives groveling to survive among the very people they had sought to murder. In some ways this fate for certain individuals will be worse than death.
It will be similar to the time of the French revolution on a grand scale. After this trauma, retribution and cleansing, human civilization will heal and rebuild. The bible predicts there will be peace for a thousand years. It will be a new beginning without the despotic ruling elite, psychopaths, pedophiles, sadists, and their murderous corrupt political minions feeding on dragging down and corrupting civilization. Humanity will no longer be ruled by those who worship the god of chaos, war, injustice, and disorder.
Evil right wing republican insurrectionist children. The way they screamed and tore off their masks shows they are dangerous white supremacist Trumpers.
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