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The mass murder of humanity rages. The Democrat party are among the leaders of the world genocide psyop, The liberals and democrats are following their globalist puppet politicians over the cliff. Let them go. You can't save them, they have been brainwashed and only hear Biden, Fauci, CNN, and MSNBC. The injections are genius because they kill stupid people. All others who are injected against their will such as children, old people, and the mentally disabled, are being murdered.
The unvaccinated are the healthy ones
The globalists will use every tool at their disposal war, disease, poison vaccines, and of course starvation. Wheat up 60% in past three months, Corn up 35% in past three months, Beans up 66% in past three months, Bean oll up 100% in past three months, Beef up 40% in past three months, Chicken up 25% in past three months, The price of food has risen 50% during Biden's first three months in dictatorship. What if the price of food rises another 50% in the next three months? What happens if this continues for a year? Could American families know hunger and starvation like North Korea?
Global extermination of humanity
Take Note: This is how you get your freedom and your lives back. A hand full of arrogant corrupt political opportunists, probably taking payoffs from the drug companies to make the lives of the people a hell on earth. This is how to boot these corrupt pieces of shit out of their jobs. This should happen across the country..
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