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The road to anarchy, tyranny, the destruction of a system that has kept us a free people for 200 years is being carried out. America will be destroyed by the globalists and their convenient liberal idiots.
Wheat up 60% in past three months
Corn up 35% in past three months
Beans up 66% in past three months
bean oll up 100% in past three months
Beef up 40% in past three months
Chicken up 25% in past three months
Liberals democrats and people who love Biden, now is your chance to do the ultimate virtue signal for all your liberal friends. The covid-19 vaccine is good for you. These people that are dying, getting seizures, and paralysis, are fakers. Only CNN, MSNBC, Biden, the Democrats, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, are good and honest. It's just like Vice president Harris said, "Over 220,000,000 Americans have already died from covid-19." That is more than two out of three Americans that have died. Better get your vaccine as soon as possible before you die too!
"providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized, I mean immunized"
According to CNN and MSNBC the girl is a liar and a faker. Not one person on this earth has been hurt by the covid-19 vaccine, It's good for you and Biden won the election by a landslide and orange man bad take the vaccine and take the vaccine and take the vaccine and take the vaccine and take the death shot and drop dead useless eaters.
Notice how the corrupt Orange Co board members are all wearing masks and looking down at their desks acting busy doing something else. The people are speaking truth to corruption and they refuse to look at the people. It is as though the Orange Co board is in the room by themselves.
Out of the kindness of their corrupt hearts they are allowing the people to plead with them and beg them to do the obvious right thing. But of course they will not. The people are just little fools, an annoyance really. The people have chosen to be ruled by immoral corrupt trash and a Covid-19 passport is the result.
There is no point in pleading with Nazi trash. They spit on your pathetic sniveling. Please your eminent sirs, do the right thing. What a bad joke. The people act as though they are prisoners begging the warden to be fair with them.
Not one said this: "The injections being called vaccines are an mRNA pathogenic primer that alters the immune system and human genome. I will never submit to your Nazi covid19 passport. I will leave California before I submit to such repression and I will leave the United States if necessary. I will never let the state force inject me."
A real hero for humanity and justice.
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