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Fascism: The melding of corporate and government interests under the control of a single dictatorial party and leader. A government that represents corporate interests against the people in order to create an environment of total control and total power. All fascist dictatorships throughout history lead to war, world war, and mass death.
Marjorie Taylor Greene criticizes Biden administration’s plan to document all vaccinated people.
“It’s still fascism, or communism, whatever you want to call it, but it’s coming from private companies..
"It has already been stated that a person who has been vaxxed can STILL be infectious and can get the virus again, so what use is a passport, even if it were a good idea, which it isn't."
The tribulation has begun
Now that the commiecrats have instituted the California rules election system nationwide you will need to accept that AOC will be in power for the remainder of your life. She will leave office a very old woman in her eighties like Jane Feinstein. If you are not exterminated in the covid19 depopulation plan or the covid20, covid21, covid22, covid23, covid24, depopulation plans, you will not recognize America when AOC and her communist globalist masters are finished. America as a country, our constitution, our freedoms, our way of life, are over. Stay here and watch as your country is cruelly killed by communism or leave and make a new life somewhere in South America where people are still free.
Liberals democrats and people who love Biden, now is your chance to do the ultimate virtue signal for all your liberal friends. The covid-19 vaccine is good for you. These people that are dying and getting seizures and paralysis are all liars and fakers. Only CNN MSNBC and Biden are telling the truth. It's just like Vice dictator Harris said, "Over 220,000,000 Americans have already died from covid-19." That is more than two out of three Americans that have died. Better get your vaccine as soon as possible before you die too!
The media will not report this because it doesn't fit the narrative of a true hate crime. They need something serious like a small loop at the end of a garage door pull cord.
The Pentagon globalist media psyop to divide, distract, and destroy America with a race war is working. Of course the media will not report this incident or the hundreds of others like it happening every day to whites and Asians in the United States. Instead the liberal globalist media fans the flames of hate and division by repeatedly telling Americans that all white people are racists.
In this video an old Asian man is punched repeatedly in the face with tremendous force by a black assailant. The frail old Asian gentleman was unable to protect himself from the viscous racist attack and was seriously injured. This is of course an obvious hate crime motivated by racism and a need to inflict pain on others. Because it happened to an Asian it may not necessarily be classified as a hate crime. In America today a hate crime is perceived as a white person doing something to a black person when in fact blacks commit hate crimes also.
At the end of the video the attackers proclaim triumphantly they have "Fucked your whole life up". They take satisfaction in physically and psychologically traumatizing the old Asian couple for the remainder of their now shortened lives. One must wonder why they are so proud? Did the globalist media or the social media tell them in some way that sick, sadistic, hateful behavior is OK? Who are they virtue signaling for? Hurting others without remorse or comprehension of the suffering they inflict is psychotic and homicidal behavior. They are like people who torture animals now taking it to the next level by hurting defenseless old people.
Have we become a society of homicidal maniacs and sadists who derive pleasure from inflicting pain on random strangers who's race offends us? Where is our appointed dictator Biden? Where are the police and where is reason and justice? It appears that Rome is burning.
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