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5G programmable liquid operational system.
I support our police and I don't want to defund our police. But what these two did was sickening and cruel. Did they get into police work to protect and serve or hurt people? This kind of behavior is exactly why the American people are so fed up with the police.
We all get old and some of us suffer dementia and confusion. A good police officer always tries to take the less violent and more humane approach whenever possible. She was an old woman and intentionally and painfully injuring her was completely unnecessary and criminal. They could have asked her, "Did you know you didn't pay for the merchandise?" They could have tried to peacefully engage her and they would have soon discovered that she had dementia.
How were these people selected for their positions? How were they trained? Obviously there is room for improvement in those areas.
They became predictors intentionally dislocating her shoulder and breaking her arm. They were not suited for police work and should not work in law enforcement again until undergoing prolonged psychiatric counseling. They should also receive training on engaging a suspect. There are many options and good training helps officers to be more aware of them at the moment of engagement. This kind of behavior towards the public is no longer acceptable in police work. Other applicants who are on a power trip or an ego trip or think they want to become police officers because they like hurting people should think twice.
Police work takes intelligence and the ability to think fast on your feet. It takes perception sensitivity and the ability to listen. A good officer never uses more force than is necessary and never uses force unless it is necessary. A bad officer tries to fix everything with a hammer by using force too much. It just isn't acceptable any more. Our society needs good police.
Every democrat traitor is exactly like Pelosi. They all want to repress, control, vaccinate, and kill everyone. They hate the constitution and freedom. The democrats and liberals will not stop until every American is broken, starving, homeless, injected with poison, and dead. Welcome to Communist globalist America, Home of the rich land of the slave, where traitors rule over patriots and our flag and heritage are now hated. America has two years left before the country and most of its people cease to exist. No one can save it now. The country is firmly in the grip of psychotic megalomaniacs globalists and they fully intend to break America and destroy it at every level and in every way and they intend to kill its willfully ignorant people.
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