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Mark of the beast, total enslavement, 1984 hell world, or a mass death event.
"There is increasing interest in more than one prophecy about America, where God's judgement of America is meted out. Many believe ongoing Russia/America tensions may play a part in God's judgement of the United States. The United States’ destruction is alluded to in Revelation 18, as well as other scriptures. This video is based on a dream from God, by a very poor woman in Nepal, which she sent to Voice in a letter. It is not a prophecy in itself, but it paints a realistic picture of destruction of America which is worthy of thoughtful consideration.
NOTE: This dream came in 2018, before all the problems that the US is experiencing right now."
This sit down interview with Sucharit Bhakdi about the current situation we find ourselves in. He is the most cited microbiologist in German academic history, an authority if there ever was one Shocked by the events of this year, he is speaking out about the scientific fallacies and human rights abuses at work now.
Please make a donation to the post-production of this film and the continuing interview series:
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