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Watch it shes a whistleblower to help get the last of these crooks.
Everybody must see this critical documentary about the COVID-19 vaccine.
"We don't need a Vaccine, we don't need a vaccine. If you have a 99.97% rate of survival what do you need a vaccine for?"
Government paid terrorists. Don't think it won't happen to you in your town or city.
tangentopolis (world orders review)
A Brave Italian Doctor's Warning To ALL People Don't Get Tested, Refuse The Vax - 'Covid' Is The Name Of The Plan Of Worldwide Mass Depopulation..
Open letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World
We the undersigned call upon the UK government, governments of the World and the Citizens of the World, to stop all lockdown measures immediately.
Follow on from the Summit they held in July 2020. Multiple Dr's with a vast array of expertise and experience totally destroy the whole COVID19 narrative
The second White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. October 16-17, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation.
Its emphasis was on the proven success of early treatment.
The science and common sense are clear: Wearing masks makes you sick and stupid.
FIRSTLY, wearing a mask to protect yourself against a virus is like using a chain-link fence to shield yourself from mosquitoes.
The Covid-19 virus is a sham scam perpetrated on humanity. The masks are to make people miserable so they will accept Bill Gates vaccine in the hopes of going back to a normal life.
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