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"Brexit represents nothing less than a stunning populist revolt and a complete rejection of the political establishment. But don't expect the elite to take this lying down."
aux1z11 9 Comment:
"What we really need is a USEXIT from the District of Criminals, Let's Do It."
"Then you will know the truth, and the TRUTH will set you FREE. John 8:32. Love for all, hatred for none. God Bless All ! TSTV"
Big well known money people have been making ominous warnings about another coming financial meltdown. Why are they making these dire warnings now? Financial writer Holter says, “Because it’s gotten so obvious . . . these guys are extremely brilliant people. I am glad they finally came around and figured it out. . . . They’re getting on the record is what they are doing. You would not have the caliber of names all lining up in the last 60 to 90 days . . . unless it was going to happen pretty soon.”
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Bill Holter of need to watch the above link it will shock you we now know who caused it and they know it and openly telling us they caused it I think it started back in 2014 but major things are happening every time they ramp up the volts causing worse events it needs to be shut the fuck down help the cause This is why we need to sue CERN to shut down click this link before after this video or click link in description watch 2:23 its starts there is only brief but they know they caused the Mandela effect web page evidence
Warning the mandela effect may be bigger and more real than we first imagined. This is most likely just the tip of the iceberg. This could be the greatest delusion ever propagated thus far and truly the most dangerous. Check these links.
Astrophysicist whistleblower: ‘Planet X / Nibiru cataclysm imminent’
Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia WAR ON NWO and Illuminati HAS BEGUN!
Bix Weir is back to help recount the crimes and misdemeanors of the Clinton crime family and their puppet masters the Rothschilds, who just held a $100,000 per head fundraiser for their globalist minion Hillary.
Bix says the 2016 Presidential election is the most important in the history of the United States. "When this system is taken down we'll be left with nothing... Will we be turning to someone like Hillary Clinton who runs the game for the Rothschilds and lose all our freedoms and get taken over by these bad guys?"
Bix concludes that we must "Unite the Trump people and the Sanders people. The only way to move forward is united as one against the common criminal, against the Clintons and the banking system."
There is much anger, hostility, and protests against Trump. But Trump's problems are much larger than a group of protesters on the left. He is facing a HUGE upward battle against the elites in power, who will keep him out of office at all costs.
Donald Trump views on trade, a border wall with Mexico, America-first policies, and protectionist positions place him in direct opposition with the plan for a North American Union and ultimately the New World Order. Trump is a vocal proponent of "the Wall" and threatening to change trade relations with Mexico, which Trump has alleged have been unfair (which is factually correct, they have been very unfair). The last four presidents in particular have been working to build the North American Union through a series of secret agreements like the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America led by George W. Bush with Mexico's Vicente Fox and Canada's Stephen Harper. The SPP was met with opposition in both United States and Canada.
Obama has done his part in the creation of the NAU, by opening relations with Cuba. Most people believe this is a good thing, but I believe this signifies that the final piece has been put in place: Cuba has been brought in to the Union.
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