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ALERT: Experts Issue TERRIFYING Warning About Yellowstone ‘Supervolcano’ Eruption.
"This is no joke people, and at the power level most of them are putting out at present, they are effecting everyone biologically, and causing death through brain tumors and many cancers. Many people are going to say, the government would never allow such a thing to happen, but you have to remember this, those people in power have been in power for a very long time, and they intend to stay in power by what ever means they deem necessary. This weapon is invisible, and it is effecting our minds as well as our bodies make no mistake about it folks. So what are you going to do about it. ? Phone towers are microwaving us very slowly at present, but they can crank up that power any time they like.
Also many people have had dreams and visions of an EMP strike on the USA. What if this strike was a false flag done by our own government, and not by a bomb dropped from a Chinese or Russian plane, but only made to appear that way, just like the false flag 9.11 event. Make no mistake about it folks, the shadow government wants to take the USA down, so they can implement their NWO plans.
Please note folks, anyone is free to down load my video's, BUT PLEASE GIVE THEM ANOTHER TITLE NAME , THUMB NAIL AND CATEGORY. I see copies of my video's around the place, but they are using the exact same thumb nail and description, this is no good because they will be hidden away among"st thousand of other video,s. So give the video a new name at least, and leave a link back to my channel as the original up-loader. Thank you.
Stay strong in the Lord, and fear nothing, just be alert to what is going on, and inform as many others as you can."
Science & Technology
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"According to scientists and a Weather data mining firm, we are on the verge of a new ice age that will start in the next three years."
Because YouTube deems the majority of my content "not advertiser friendly," my channel is primarily fan-funded. If you enjoy this content and would like to see more...
We Already Passed The Point Of No Return. Collapse will be on August 21, 2017 Bill Holter
'Real news', as apposed to fake news typically found on CNN and other corporate news sources.
This Is Not A Drill! The Economic Crisis Will Start This Year & Last For 5 Years Clif High
"Dutch banking whistleblower Ronald Bernard is back and this time he's exposing the entire international banking syndicate which controls not only the global monetary system, but the entire planet itself and all of its resources. The Bank For International Settlements sits atop the pyramid of power, followed by the IMF and World Bank. The power and directives flow downward through the big international banks, the multinational corporations, and finally to the governments. As Bernard explains, "All misery on earth is a business model."'
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