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clifs wujo 'my fellow americans' = discussing method, gold, silver, bitcoin, gardening when it counts, weather, geoengineering, political scum
Bill Holter from JS Mineset joins us to cover the unfolding global economic collapse. "This is it. We're watching the meltdown. This is history being made." Bill says.
Holter explains, "The Fed has lied themselves into a corner. They raised rates and here we are a month later, the system is imploding and they have no bullets left. They are going to have to do QE4, they are going to have to do negative interest rates."
"I believe this is it. The margin call, the meltdown, we're watching it in real time... I guess the best way to look at where we are right now is, we're standing at the gates of Hell."
David Bowie, whose ground-breaking sound and chameleon-like ability to reinvent himself made him a pop music fixture for more than four decades, has died January 10, 2016, after an 18-month battle with cancer. He was 69. Bowie had just released his latest album, 'Blackstar,' on Friday, his 69th birthday. It shot to no. 1 on the iTunes chart in the U.K. and no. 2 in the U.S.,He was theatrical, flamboyant,without parallel in his showmanship.
Public banking expert Ellen Brown warns that people are more at risk in the U.S. to lose their savings because the five biggest banks have nearly $250 trillion in derivatives. In a financial calamity that could cause mass bankruptcies, recent legislation says the derivative holders will be paid first. Brown explains, “The have super priority over everything. . . . All the creditors’ money will be taken in a bail-in. A bail-in is the opposite of a bankruptcy. In a bankruptcy, the bank is liquidated in order to pay off the creditors. In a bail-in, the creditors’ money is taken in order to keep the bank alive. So, we get to die while the bank lives instead of the reverse. They specifically say ‘creditors’ which means shareholders and bond holders, but what most people don’t realize is depositors are also considered creditors. When you put your money in a bank, it becomes the property of the bank, and all you have is an IOU.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Ellen Brown of All links can be found on
On the heels of the Chinese stock market plunging 5.5 percent, continued turmoil in the Middle East and the price of gold hitting 5 year lows, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told King World News that Putin and the Russians are now dominating in Syria and the Middle East as the West destroys itself.
The bond market is full of debt that will never be paid back. It’s one of the biggest frauds of all. Financial writer Holter says, “Go back to 1995 and our debt in the U.S began to move up like a hockey stick. Somewhere in the mid to late 1990’s was the point of no return. We didn’t really have any hope of paying it back. In 2008, it was ridiculous, and at this point, it is beyond ridiculous. They can’t pay back the $19 trillion much less the $200 trillion, which is what the real number is when you include Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Medicare, loan guarantees and etcetera.” In closing, Holter says, “This is going to be a complete financial collapse. You are going to see some deflation, but it’s not going to be deflation against dollars. It will be deflation against gold.” Meaning, the value of everything will devalue against gold.
Bill Holter from JS Mineset joins me to slice and dice the mainstream lies about as well as anyone can. And Bill says before the next economic collapse there will be yet another big 9/11 style event. As we near Christmas, may God bless you and your family. Prepare.
On global war, trends researcher Gerald Celente says, “Unfortunately, when all else fails, they take us to war. Look, go back to 1929 and the market crash. You had market crashes, Great Depression, currency wars, trade wars, world war. Voila, here we are again. Panic of ‘08, Great Recession, currency wars world war. . . . When the market collapses, the war talk will heat up.”
Gold and silver are running counter to other commodities. Why? Celente says, “Demand is up for gold and silver. To me, it is the ultimate safe haven. I’ve been saying since 2012 and 2013 that the bottom for gold is about $1,050 an ounce. I gave that number out because that’s about what it costs to pull it out of the ground. . . . Gold is about planning for the worst.”
So, is the spike in gold and silver demand a precursor to the next crash, which Celente is predicting to be coming soon? Celente says, “I totally believe so. . . . It’s definitely worse now. Look at the bubble they created.”
Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN today, US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard clearly explained how the U.S. fixation on overthrowing Syrian President Bashir al-Assad is putting us in direct conflict with Russia which has been an ally of Assad’s for 40 years. Tulsi asks: What is so important about overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad that justifies risking a nuclear war with Russia? She also said the U.S. needs to pressure NATO member Turkey to become a full-fledged partner in the war against Islamic extremists.
In a huge stunning announcement just now by the Russian Foreign Minister, Russia presented direct evidence of Turkey buying illegal oil from the black market supporting terrorists. In this video we go over the important revelations by the Russians, its consequences and shift of the geo political field. American Journalist Murdered By Western Ally For Exposing ISIS Ties
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