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Financial writer Bill Holter says, in the last year, there have been many big warnings from the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF about a coming financial calamity. Holter contends, “I think they are trying to get out in front of this. I think they are telling the truth the world is defenseless. The central banks, the sovereign Treasuries have fired all their bullets already, and they realize when this next crash comes, there’s nothing that can be done.”
Russia Insider - Russian News Without the Anti-Russian Bias
Link to the RI article:
RT documentary MH17: 'No one deserves to die that way'
"Para cambiar radicalmente la conducta del régimen debemos pensar con claridad y valentía, puesto que si algo hemos aprendido, es que los regímenes no quieren ser cambiados. Nuestro pensamiento debe ir más allá que el de quienes que nos han precedido, descubriendo cambios tecnológicos que nos envalentonen mediante modos de actuar en que antes no pudieran haber sido utilizados. Primero, debemos entender qué aspecto de la conducta del gobierno o del neocorporativismo queremos cambiar o eliminar. En segundo lugar, debemos desarrollar una forma de pensar sobre esta conducta que tenga la suficiente fuerza como para llevarnos a través del lodazal del lenguaje políticamente distorsionado, hasta llegar a una posición de claridad. Por último, debemos utilizar este entendimiento para inspirar en nosotros y en otros un curso de acción efectiva y ennoblecedora". - Julián Assange
Please help to protect me as I am those who helped me with this explosive information share everywhere so it is less likely they will come for me like they have for these now deceased doctors. Read this article first please:
Why is this not shown on TV? It would seem that the corporate media is afraid of something. So for this reason this video is here. What you will see is not magic. Magic is just the word used to describe the miracles that Dynamo performs. One should ask: Why is he doing it, how is he doing it, and what end is served by prolifically performing miracles? Truly this is one of the great mysteries of all time.
from Gilad Atzmon
I have just learned that Jacob Cohen, the internationally acclaimed Jewish humanist and intellectual was forbidden to attend the French BDS annual meeting. While it is hard to determine whether the BDS movement has actually liberated a single Palestinian, the list of top pro Palestinian intellectuals and activists who have been harassed, smeared and excommunicated by the BDS* keeps growing. One may wonder, when did the BDS stop being a ‘Palestinian Grassroots Movement’ and become a synagogue?
The following is a translation of an email sent to Cohen by the BDS campaign organiser.
Re: Meeting 7 July.
Dear Jacob Cohen.
We inform you that we do not accept your registration application because of your association with Egalité et Réconciliation (E&R) and Dieudonné, known for their anti-Semitism. They are contrary to the spirit of BDS that strongly opposes to any racism.
Former assistant treasury secretary : We have two dangers ahead . One is reckless policy of federal reserve . That policy is reckless because they are creating money from nothing in order to support balance sheets of the banks that should fail . The other danger is inability of Washington to realize that is not uni power who can dominate the world . They have seen extraordinary failure of their policy in recent past and yet they continue with more of the same .
Two prominent thinkers, the ultra-orthodox Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, and philosopher, jazz artist and ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon, met to discuss hard questions about Judaism, Jewish politics and the meaning of Jewishness. They shared the stage at Theatre 80 in New York City on May 6th, 2015. 2/2 Q&A - Judaism vs Jewish Identity Politics - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon is a British Jazz artist and author. Gilad was born in Israel in 1963 and trained at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem (Composition and Jazz). A multi-instrumentalist he plays saxophones, clarinet and ethnic woodwind instruments. His album Exile was the BBC jazz album of the year in 2003. Gilad writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture. His papers are published on very many press outlets around the world. Gilad is a popular political analyst and is often guesting on Television and Radio stations around the world such as RT, Press TV, BBC and many more. Atzmon's novels 'Guide to the Perplexed' and 'My One and Only Love' have been translated into 24 languages. Gilad's latest book, The Wandering Who?, is a study of Jewish Identity politics. It was published in English in October 2011 and has since been translated into ten languages and has been a best seller. Gilad's web site:
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