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A provocative interview with investigative journalist Paul DeRienzo Sept 5-2015 Nuclear Hotseat # 219 with Libbe HaLevy: Investigative journalist Paul DeRienzo reveals political manipulations, intimidation tactics and loose-and-fast nuclear waste burial at WCS in West Texas, along with personal recollections of growing up the son of the man who designed both Hanford and Three Mile Island. Fox in charge of the Nuclear Henhouse yet again as NRC allows the nuke industry to self-police critical plans for managing a core-melt accident. And - a nuclear-powered airplane? What could go wrong?!
"Financial analyst Rob Kirby contends central banks are putting off the coming crash. Kirby says, “These guys are playing with fire. They are desperate and are cornered. The only thing they have left in their bag are dirty tricks and lies, and they are playing them aggressively. When you are lying and telling untruths to the rest of the world, the rest of the world doesn’t stay stupid for very long. It catches up with you, and that’s when your friends start creating currency swap lines with your vaunted enemies. They think they want to have a foot in the other camp because the old camp they used to be with isn’t playing fair and is doing despicable things. That is exactly where we are right now—burning.”"
Bill Holter is back and he says "Something Just Happened". In fact, something changed three weeks ago and a series of events began which has led to a cascading collapse in global markets and some very strange happenings in the precious metals markets.
Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer who focuses on health-related REAL news stories. Writing for Natural Society, Infowars and Waking Times to name just a few sites, Christina has exposed the fraud and lies told by Big Agra and Biotech companies, and In this interview we shine the light of truth on the dangers of GMO's, the revolving door of fascism at the FDA, the push for MANDATORY vaccinations by Big Pharma and Bill Gates' involvement in much of it. As Christina correctly notes, this is a nothing less than a Malthusian genocidal assault on humanity.
Renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair stands by his prediction last year of an eventual gold price of $50,000 per ounce. Sinclair explains, “You have to understand we are going into unprecedented deflation, and it’s the reaction of central banks around the world to the concept of deflation that brings about hyperinflation. . . . There will be debt monetization of all kinds of debt to maintain some sort of equilibrium. The price of gold is going to go to a level that is going to surprise everybody. I was told that this is a rally that you won’t sell. That means gold will go to a level and not react violently down from that level. . . . This is when gold is going to levels that today are considered more mental illness than monetary analysis. Silver is best understood as gold on steroids because whatever potential and direction is taken up by gold, silver will be multiplied by 2 or by 5. . . .Silver will outperform gold.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair of
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