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On Sunday afternoon, May 4th, activists from CODEPINK, a nationally-based Peace & Justice organization, staged a wedding in front of the White House. It then orchestrated a simulated reenactment of a Killer Drone strike on the wedding party. According to CODEPINK’s press release, “it used street theater in front of the White House to simulate a wedding attacked by a US drone strike in Yemen. Activists aim to educate the public about how terrifying it would be to have the same thing happen in the US, and motivate people to take action against the drones.” The bride, groom and the guests wore fancy wedding clothes and a Catholic priest conducted the ceremony. To learn more, go to: Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK and she helped to organize and participated in today’s event in front of the White House. She is the author of the acclaimed book: “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control.” See:
At the end of the video are pro Russian Ukrainians burned to death in Odessa's Trade Union House by fascist murderers who are supported by the American political system and media.
These policemen failed to stop the lynching of more than forty people who were burned to death in Odessa's Trade Union House. Those who were able to jump out of the windows were beaten to death in the street by a fascist mob. Right Sector Thugs Attack Odessa Activists
Civilians in the village of Andreevka between Slavynsk and Kramatorsk wanted to stop Kiev Pro Junta white sector fascists from entering their town with tanks so they formed a human barricade. Ten people were killed and forty were wounded or injured, among them men, women, and old people. Some were shot and others were run over by tanks. Washington defends and supports these pro Junta fascists killers.
We are hearing talk in the corporate media and in Washington about war with both Russia And China. Although America is carrying out military operations in over one hundred countries, war with either Russia or China would be quite different from attacking a defenseless little banana republic.
All of the so called wars in the Middle East have been against countries without navies or any real air defense and small undisciplined poorly trained armies. Marching into sovereign nations and killing women and children, decimating a mostly civilian population is not war, but war crime. Fighting a real war against Russia and China would be entirely different. ►Scary russian army hell march
Daniel Patrick Welch exclusive interview on RT International about the significance of miners in the South and East of Ukraine joining the barricades and the uprising in Donbass region.
The first American missiles to be delivered in the Syrian war to the so called rebels.
On Thursday afternoon, April 24, 2014, members of the American Postal Workers Union staged a spirited protest at a Staples store located in Baltimore, MD. This was just one of more than 50 such rallies held today by union members, taking place at 80 Staples stores in 27 states across the country. A few local social justice activists also joined in support of the union.
The purpose of the demonstrations, according to the union’s press release, is to draw attention to a supposed “sweetheart deal” between the U.S. Postal Service and Staples, Inc., [an office supply company]. The union fears this deal will end up “privatizing USPS retail services and replacing good, living-wage postal jobs with low-wage, high-turnover jobs.”
The USPS insists the agreement is only a “pilot program,” under which it plans to operate 82 “postal counters” in Staples stores, staffed by their own employees. It’s no secret that Staples has been struggling lately. It has announced plans to close 225 of its stores by the year 2015.
A publicly owned and operated postal service pre-dates the founding of the American Republic. Today’s union activism was all part of a “National Day of Action.”
Ever since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the idea of taking public assets, like schools and prisons, and turning them over to private corporations to run, has taken hold. Recently, the City of Chicago leased its parking meters to a private company for 75 years. Parking under the old system cost .25 cents an hour, now it costs a whopping $5.75 an hour!
Speaking on camera about this controversy are: Tom Dodge of the “Community and Postal Workers United” and Courtney Jenkins, a postal worker.
In the eastern Ukraine, which is an industrial hub and key sector of the country's economy, people are on edge, staging rallies and going on strikes. The Donetsk and Lugansk regions are also currently hotspots for anti-Kiev unrest. RT's Paula Slier went there to find out what's driving people to the edge.
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