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If the quenelle is loosely defined as an anti establishment salute, one may wonder why Jews are offended by it and regard it as an ‘anti-Semitic’ gesture? Is it because many Jews actually identify with ‘the establishment’? And how do we explain the fact that the French government is happy to compromise the most elementary liberties just to appease the French Jewish Lobby (Crif)? The truth is devastating - Palestine is here and the French people are the Palestinians Du Jour...
How to gouge the Goyim with loans on interest printed out of thin air.
"The Dark Side of the Anti Defamation League"
"The Synagogue Of Satan," would change the world - if didn't, everything continues to get worse! I am not despondent though, I believe my writing will serve as a catalyst for others who are better documenters of information, better public speakers, better at using technology to get their information out there, and most importantly have the fortitude and confidence I had seven years ago." - Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 2013
Read the updated version of this book on-line at:
"The great lie that is the foundation of all the misery that has befallen the world."
Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how World War One and Two really started and why the U.S. was eventually drawn in. Saved from Google Video. Transcript and Additional Info:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which SAY THEY ARE JEWS, & ARE NOT, but are THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN." - Revelation 2:9
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