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A rally in support of the super shuttle van drivers at BWI Thurgood Marshall airport was held near the facility, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, on Saturday, at noon, Dec. 21st. According to a press release from the “Workers Assembly,” the drivers are “low wage workers...making minimum wages after working 18 and even 24 hours a day.” The press release continued that the company involved, Veolia, a large $billion international corporation, (which operates at other airports on the East coast), is not treating the employees “fairly.” The press release also charged that some workers have been “fired” for speaking out about their “working conditions.” To learn more about why the activists & the workers staged a “Caravan for Justice,” at the site of the rally, and through BWI, go to: Speaking on camera: Sean Collins, Sharon Black, Amy Millard and Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher.
Album of 34 photos, at:
"Austerity" is one of those Orwellian terms that has been injected into our political discourse precisely because it is a nice-sounding word for a very painful reality. "Austerity" implies discipline, self-restraint, even nobility. "Austerity" is prudent. "Austerity" is modest. "Austerity" is a virtue. It is an end in itself.
If the IMF or the European Central Bank come to the people of a collapsing European nation and tell them to sacrifice their pensions and their savings and their very standard of living all for a debt that their government has fraudulently racked up in their name, no one would go for it, and rightly so.
But tell those same people that they need to implement "austerity measures" in order to "get back on their feet" economically, and many will be willing to live in the harshest of conditions, content to put up with the dismantling of their nation itself in the vain hope that by giving more power to the international financial institutions they can somehow avoid economic collapse...
Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff says, "The government is printing mountains of money to pay its bills. The Fed is printing 29 cents of every dollar that Uncle Sam is spending." What happens if this continues? Dr. Kotlikoff, a Professor of Economics at Boston University, says, "Eventually somebody recognizes this and starts dumping the bonds, and interest rates go up, and inflation takes off, and were off to the races." In closing, Dr. Kotlikoff warns, "This is going to crash, but there are different ways for cancer to kill you. It can be very gradual . . . or it can attack some organ and you can die overnight. Either of those outcomes can happen." Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Professor Laurence Kotlikoff.
Ellen Brown, founder of, thinks so-called 'bail-ins' are coming. Depositors' money will be legally taken. Brown says, "That's the big disaster that's coming. Probably one of these big derivative banks will go bankrupt . . . the derivative players will get first dibs. They'll grab all the deposits, and there won't be anything left." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with author and journalist Ellen Brown. GMO Food Laced with Weed Killer and Bail-ins-Ellen Brown | Monsanto, the TPP, and Global Food Dominance
from Nadeem Walayat MarketOracleTV
The middle east is soaked in blood, religious End Time prophecies and is fast gathering the means to bring about Armageddon as several more states are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons capabilities. The Drone war over Pakistan is encouraging stronger alliances with fellow Sunni states such as Saudi Arabia that is reported to have several Pakistani nuclear weapons on order and ready to be dispatched on request to counter both Israeli and Iranian threats, that itself despite much propaganda is engaged in a nuclear weapons programme to rival that of both Pakistan and Israel (120 nuclear weapons each). The region appears to be counting down towards Armageddon when the region and its prophecies will be vaporised for eternity.
Anonymous hacker, Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to 120 months in federal detention on Nov. 15. Among those in the crowded Lower Manhattan courtroom watching the proceedings were author Christopher Hedges and Laura Flanders of GRITtv. Hedges had this to say about the verdict and what he sees as presiding judge Loretta Preska's conflict of interest.
In this video I expose the obvious contradictions intrinsic to Jewish progressive thoughts as explored by Paul Jay and Max Blumenthal. We are dealing here with nothing short of controlled opposition.
Gilad Atzmon author of The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, available on or
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 13th, a debate was held on the issue of our country’s use of drones abroad for targeted killing purposes. Law Professor Jonathan Turley said that with respect to this issue that “President Barack Obama is at war with the rule of law.” He added that this White House has created “an imperial presidency.” Turley’s opponent, Professor Gregory McNeal, defended the administration’s position. His arguments can be found at “Gregory S. McNeal,” at: The event was held on the campus of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. To learn more about this controversial issue, go to “Human Rights Working Group at JHU,” at:; “Rolling Stone Politics,” at:; and, activist Medea Benjamin’s excellent book, “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,” at:
"Law Professor Jonathan Turley at JHU" ©Bill Hughes
Press TV has conducted an interview with Professor Michel Chossudovsky, economic analyst and researcher with the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal about the issue of the widening gap between the richest in society and the poorest globally.
According to Chossudovsky:
"It is not production and trade, which is the source of enrichment; it is manipulation and fraud at a global stage. We're dealing with institutionalized theft, which is embedded in the financial system. It is not what we might describe as capital accumulation from a productive process, nor is it through work performed by these wealthy people."
The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.
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