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Dr. Mads Gilbert from Tromsø, Norway (Twin City with Gaza City), was working at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza during the last Israeli onslaugt on Gaza. When he returned from Gaza to his home-town Tromsø on July 31 2014, he went straight from the airport to give this spontaneous speech at a large solidarity demonstration for Gaza held at the same time. The regional newspaper "Nordlys" ("Northern Light") streamed the demonstration and featured Dr. Mads' speech on their web-site. They have donated the video. It was transcribed and subtitled in English through a solidarity effort by Norwegian film and video professionals. The video can be shared and used for non-commercial purposes.
Friends of Gaza posted this on YouTube.
VG helg lørdag 9. august 2014, side 12-19.
For updated numbers of casualties and destruction see these UN-pages:
WHO Gaza and WB;
UNDP Gaza:
Dr. David Duke, former member of the House of Representatives and PhD in History proves Israeli crimes of Genocide in Gaza by the Jewish state of Israel.
The selection of fresh fruits and vegetables is limited in Petrozavodsk, fortunately Monsanto and GMO food are not allowed in Russia. Their banks pay an interest rate comparable to the Swiss, however moving money out can be difficult. Citizenship and permanent residency are possible if one buys a house or apartment there.
Some of the Advantages: Russia is to big and powerful for America and the central banks to control. They're not at war in 100 countries and not fighting Rumsfeld's 'never ending war against terror'. They don't have 800 military bases and 200 torture prisons. There is no TSA to fondle their children's genitals and no NSA to bug their phones and read their e-mail. There is no corporate HMO Obamacare enslavement. There is no Homeland security, or any other fascist police security agency to harass the people. Russian police don't shoot innocent people and rarely taser people for any reason. Their police don't beat people to death like America's do. There is no 'drug war' in Russia. There is no need for Russia to have the largest prison population on earth, more than in all other developed countries combined. Russia does not need to support a growing corporate prison industry by incarcerating nearly one million people every year for marijuana alone.
The Russian government doesn't sell toll roads to other countries so they can fleece the Russian people. They don't pay trillions of dollars to the privately owned federal reserve bank in the form of bailouts. They don't pay the federal reserve bank interest to print their own money and therefore have no need for an IRS to extract the interest in the form of taxes on the people's wages. There are no FEMA Concentration and Internment Camps, no Guantanamo Bay, and no water-boarding torture in Russia. Russia upholds the 700 year old 'writ of habeas corpus'. Russia doesn't put mercury in their vaccines and fluoride in their water. There is no corporate media, no Hollywood, and no AIPAC in Russia. They don't give Israel ten billion dollars every year. It is not the central focus of the Russian government that "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel".
Petrozavodsk has an extensive electric bus system capable of moving the citizenry to and from work each day, but many prefer their own cars. There is a beautiful Train Station with access to all of Russia. There is also a road system similar to America's interstate.
The surrounding countryside is filled with woods and rivers. Boating, fishing, ice fishing, ice scating, and snow skiing are popular outdoor activities. Of course the internet and all other amenities that one would expect from a separate but equal civilization are available.
The city of Petrozavodsk lies about 150 miles below the arctic circle and is constructed next to Lake Onega which has 3,700 sq miles of surface area. In general because of warm air masses coming from the south the weather in Petrozavodsk isn't nearly as harsh as Alaska. It rains and snows frequently during the winter months. Life there is similar to parts of northern America in overall quality and it is steadily improving.
A factual, reasoned 16-minute talk on the immense power and influence of the "Jewish lobby" in the US, and its harmful role, especially in directing US Middle East policy. As long as this power remains entrenched, there will be no end to the Jewish-Zionist domination of American political life and the mass media, Zionist oppression of Palestinians, the Israeli threat to peace, and the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle East.
Dr. David Duke exposes a video of the UN Envoy on Gaza refugees who breaks down in tears after learning of another horrific Israeli mass murder bombing of a UN operated school and civilian shelter. Suddenly the links for the video disappeared from mainstream publications. Looks like the Zionist thought it was too moving and they did not want it seen by people in Western nations!
Contact Your Senators and ask them to stop supporting the mass murder of Palestinian men, women, and children:
Contact Your Congressmen and ask them to stop supporting the mass murder of Palestinian men, women, and children:
If we sit silently and do nothing, say nothing the mass murdering will continue. Ask yourself why should any single group of people or so called race be given the right to kill? When will humanity say: 'No, more killing' to Israel? You could begin to change this situation by contacting your Senators and Congressmen and telling them that you want them to stop supporting Israel and stop supporting the killing and maiming of thousands of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children trapped in the Gaza Ghetto by their captors.
Earlier this week the “Johns Hopkins Students for Justice for Palestine,” announced plans for a second rally showing “solidarity” with Gaza. It was slated to begin at Penn Station, in Baltimore, on Wednesday, July 30, at 5:30 pm. Later in the week, however, a “Stand with Israel” group revealed that it would stage a “counter-protest” at that very same site.
As a result, both groups squared off with their respective flags flying on north Charles Street opposite Amtrak’s Penn Station. The Hopkins students were joined by their allies in the local peace and justice community. There was a lot of shouting and name-callings coming from both sides, but thanks to a strong police presence, each side kept a safe distance from the other.
When the students/allies, as scheduled, left to complete their march to a popular coffee house/book store located north of Penn Station, the “Stand with Israel” contingent, wisely chose not to follow. The Israeli supporters numbered about 500 and the Gaza contingent came in around 300 or so. For the latest casualty numbers from Occupied Gaza, see: Speaking on camera are three of the demonstrators.
At least seven children have been killed after more rockets were showered on a Palestinian refugee camp. The Israel Defence Forces pointed the finger at Hamas, saying it bombed its own territory. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinians must brace themselves for a prolonged operation.
Kiev's army is contuining their crackdown of anti-govt forces in the East of Ukraine. Urban areas are being caught in its deadly fire. There are reports from the city of Gorlovka where the latest shelling has killed at least 13 civilians with some media suggesting the death toll could be higher.
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