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from Khalid Amayreh
Download Fukushima Radioactive Aerosol Dispersion Part 1 The Effects of Fukushima's Cesium Pollution by Steven Starr.
(Note: the radiation stays above the Coriolus belt.)
In this most powerful expose yet on Zionist crimes in Palestine, Dr. David Duke exposes the horrific Zionist terror in Gaza and proves how Zionist influenced media around the world lies to us! Not only must we free Palestine, we must free the West and the whole world from Zionist Globalist tyranny!
Galina Pyshnyak: "City center. Lenin Square. Our City council - it is the only area where you can banish all people. Gathered in the square only women because the men are no more. Women, girls, old people. And this is called exponential penalty. They took the child three years old little boy with shorts, T-shirt, like Jesus they nailed him to the bulletin board. One Galitchina drove the nails while two held the child. The mother was held by the Galitchina and forced to watch her little boy bleeding, shrieking and squealing. They took a knife and cut the little boy so that he suffered more. The mother fainted at the sight of her child being tortured with a knife. It was horror unbearable to watch. People lost consciousness. After half an hour of suffering the child died, and the mother was taken and tied to a tank and dragged to death, three laps, each a kilometer, around the city square".
Led by CODEPINK, American-Arab organizations, the Washington Peace Center and the ANSWER Coalition, an estimated 300 spirited protesters gathered outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. on Friday afternoon July 11th. They brought with them pots, pans, drums and other assorted noise makers. As of today, the Israeli bombings “have killed at least 100 Palestinians” and injured more than 670 in Gaza. See:
Supposedly, half of the dead are “women and children.”
Gaza militants, on the other hand, have reportedly fired “over 400 rockets” into residential areas in Israel. No casualties have been reported. At press time, there was no sign of a truce between the parties. The Israelis insist they are only “defending” themselves.
Speaking on camera is social justice activist, Eugene Puryear. He is a graduate of Howard U. and currently running for an at-large seat on the Washington, D.C. City Council. Mr. Puryear, who is also an author, labeled Israel, “an apartheid state,” and compared it to the former South African regime. He also praised the ongoing “Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS)” campaign. See for details:
Album of 28 Photos, at:
“Protest at Israeli Embassy, Re: Gaza Bombings”
War crimes committed by both the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian National Guard in Eastern Ukraine against civilian population. Mainstream media channels won't show you any of this footage. This is a war they don't want you to see.
Kiev's warmongers and fascists on the ground keep on killing innocent civilians. 90% of the footage shown here was filmed by the locals and is readily available here on YouTube. The blood that's being spilled over by Kiev's punishers will never be washed away.
If you want to see pictures of July 2nd airstrike on Staraya Kondrashovka, here they are (WARNING, GRAPHIC):
Ukrainian mainstream media immediately blamed the incident on the rebels who don't even have an aircraft. Though on the 3rd of July, a deputy commander of the Public Relations of Battalion Azov had admitted that the cause of fire was pilot "error". All of the war crimes committed by Ukrainian government and their punitive battalions is blamed on the rebels who just wouldn't kill their own parents, wives, and children since over 90% of the rebels are made up of local citizens. Facts speak otherwise and images don't lie. Ukrainian propaganda machine is really on it. Disgusting.
Watch this video before Google removes it!
The video that was on this page has been removed because according to Google it contained violent content and gore. This is truly ironic on a couple of levels. The video is on their server - You tube, and it is a video which shows us some of the horror of globalist American aggression against civilians, women and children. It begs the question, how can the truth about the horror of America's wars be illustrated if it isn't aloud to be shown? the video is located here:
US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki: Ukraine government has every right to conduct attacks on civilians, as this upholds unity of the country. " Ukraine authorities are protecting the country. I think they have to have every right to do it, it is the same way to act in the international community." Link: This coming from a country that is providing the fascist gangster government of the Ukraine with depleted uranium bombs, artillery shells, and internationally banned phosphorous bombs and cluster bombs. America has already murdered over a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, covering both countries with depleted uranium dust, dooming the people to endless cancer death and birth defects. Fair and just America is waging war in over a hundred countries, bombing hospitals and universities, building torture prisons, looting resources and installing the Rothschild banking system. Nobody, no dictator, no fascist government has the right to mass murder civilians, to murder people because they want to be free and don't want to be slaves to the central bankers and America. Nobody has the right to kill women and children to bomb civilians and murder them, not the fascist government of America and not the fascist government of the Ukraine. It's a war crime plain and simple.
Parliament moves to quit Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Nazis 'regular reconnaissance visits to nuclear power stations'; Billionaire governor, whose Privatbank is top recipient of new IMF bailout, being placed on international wanted list for 'banned methods of warfare and aggravated murder'. Seek truth from facts with intelligence expert William Engdahl; economist Professor Michael Hudson; former US intelligence officer Scott Rickard; and the prosecutor who put Yulia Timoshenko's partner behind bars, Martha Boersch. FULL TRANSCRIPT:
Unemployment rate has been reduced from 6.3% to 6.1% with more people out of the work force. Students are speaking out that they cannot make student loan payments. Central bankers are fearing digital currencies because they cannot taxed and the central bankers do not get a piece of the action. Russia/China pushing to de-dollarize the world and removing the IMF. The US and European nations are pushing the agenda of a false flag event. Airport security has been increased and the link between ISIL and Assad has been made. Be prepared for this event to go live.
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Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. All links to the report can be found on the site.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Richard Hellman about the violent reaction by the Israeli PM and Israeli settlers to the confirmed deaths of three missing Israeli settlers (2.7.2014)
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