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Introduction by Gilad Atzmon: In this BBC Hardtalk episode, Stephen Sackur challenges professor Ilan Pappe’s views.
As expected, BBC’s Sackur presents the hard core Right wing Zionist viewpoint. Unexpectedly, Sackur displays a wide range of knowledge about Israel and seems almost as knowledgeable as Ilan Pappe - a leading pro-Palestinian historian who has dedicated his life to studying the conflict and the Palestinian plight. How is that possible? Is it because Pappe lacks erudition? Not at all, Pappe is an ethical human being and a superb scholar, he remains courteous and calm throughout the program. But Pappe attempts to argue his case with his hands tied behind his back. The history professor is afraid to utter the ‘J word,’ he fails to analyze Zionism and Israel’s actions within the appropriate ideological, historical and cultural context and he refuses to question the true meaning of the Jewish State.
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Lars Maehrholz a skydiver that became the main organizer of the massive Monday peace vigils in Berlin. The Monday peace vigil is an autonomous fully independent movement that gained massive popularity in Berlin that is against the U.S Federal Reserve. Lars is not only under attack by the main stream media and political system in Germany but also physical threats that resulted in a car he was in getting fire bombed by an anonymous perp. Lars received threats that this would happen online and now his friends car that he was in, was set on fire. The police say that the car caught on fire by itself and are not investigating the case. Luckily Lars and his friend were not in the car when it was set on fire.
Ordinary Fascism - FASCISM AS IT IS film by Andrey Karaulov
Today in Moscow held a presentation of the film famous Russian TV journalist, author and host of the "Moment of Truth" Andrei Karaulov "Ukrainian fascism." The film is dedicated to the tragic events in Ukraine.
The film's title refers to the classic tape Mikhail Romm's "Ordinary Fascism." In an interview with IA "Tatar-Inform" Andrei Karaulov said that work on the movie began 10 days ago.
"It turns out, there is still no documentary in our country, which would gather together at least some of the crimes that occurred in the south-east of Ukraine in April, May and June this year. Here we have done the job. And the most important thing in this film, of course, no questions asked Karaulova, and the testimony of those witnesses (over 10 people), who found the courage and strength to tell the truth, having gone through hell in Mariupol, Odessa, etc. "- he said .
The film is intended for Europe, United States, United Nations.
"I talked with the Foreign Minister of the country, and asked him for help - to make it look the ambassadors of all countries in the UN. Those ambassadors who have a conscience and a genuine interest in the events that are currently taking place in the People's Republic of Donetsk "- said the journalist.
On Monday, June 23 disc with pictures will be on the table at the UN Secretary General. Andrei Karaulov also able to contact the Chief of Staff to Barack Obama and to deliver a letter and drive to U.S. President saw the movie and voiced his opinion on it. A similar request by the picture appealed to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
"All Western media accredited in Moscow, ignored not only the picture, but that came to the show specifically leader Donetsk Republic, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the DNI Dennis Pushilin. Afraid to look! "- Said Andrei Sentries.
Official channel program: Moment of Truth
On Tuesday afternoon, June 24th, Human Rights activists staged a protest in front of the Egyptian Defense Office in Washington, D.C. They were there to express their outrage over the recent conviction by an Egyptian court of three journalists from “Al Jazeera English” for essentially doing their job. The three had covered the often violent, anti-government demonstrations in the country last year, when they were wrongfully detained and charged with terrorism-related offenses. One of the defendants got a ten-year sentence; two received a seven-year decision. The worldwide campaign on behalf of the three reporters wants the Egyptian military-based ruling clique to know this: “Journalism is not a crime!” Leading the demonstration outside the Embassy was CODEPINK, a national peace and justice group. Alli McCracken, a national coordinator for the organization, spoke on camera about the action.
"On Press TV's The Debate, I confronted Lee Kaplan - a uniquely pathetic Hasbara mouthpiece. By the time the debate was over, not much was left out of Israel's argument or Kaplan's dignity."
Fortunately for the banks the American people are fluoride drinking mercury injected GMO eating slaves who will never wake up. We the people have paid the Rothschild federal reserve bank since 1913 to print our money at interest instead of simply printing our own money for free. The IRS was also created in 1913 to collect taxes from the people to pay the interest on the money the bankers print. A tiny click of multitrillionaire central bankers easily enslaved the American people in 1913 and continues to rule over them bleeding them endlessly. And when the sheeple bleat too loudly under the load of the bankers taking profit again and again, the people are threatened with 'martial law' by the bank's puppet politicians. They use us to fight their "never ending" wars for profit. The world the bankers have created for us to live in is a hell world, but they would rather rule in hell than serve in utopia. We could have freedom, peace, and plenty for all, but they will not let us. All those who have tried to lead humanity out of bondage or who found some new power source which would free us, have been eliminated.
The Whole Truth, So Help Me GOD
Is there a law which requires you to pay the Federal Income Tax? Is the Federal Reserve a part of the United States Government, or is it a private bank owned and operated by multinational corporate interests? Do they have our nation's best interests at heart? Unless something changes, what does the future of the United States look like? The answer to all these questions and more in this incredible documentary by legendary filmmaker Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 - August 24, 2007).
He is allowed to speak uninterrupted at first, but they soon realize he is attacking the capitalist system of gods and slaves for which they stand. His truth is so powerful that they can't really attack it so they attack him and his credibility saying that he is just a research annalist, questioning his right to an opinion. They peppered him with criticisms and twisted corporate speak. They wanted desperately to shut him up, interrupt him, belittle him. but he keeps talking, right through their talking head bullshit.
On Saturday afternoon, June 7th, hundreds of Human Rights activists demonstrated in front of the White House. They demanded the release of the “Cuban Five.” They have been lanquishing in US prisons since September 12, 1998. Supporters claim that their original trial in Miami was “unfair,” and that the main charge against them of engaging in a “conspiracy to commit espionage” was unfounded. Amnesty International, among other groups, has criticized the treatment by the federal government of the Cuban Five as “unnecessarily punitive.” To learn more, go to: Ms. Heather Benno, a social justice activist, an attorney and a member of the Committee to Free the Cuban Five, spoke about the reasons for the demonstration. She called for immediate freedom for the Cuban Five and labeled them “political prisoners.”
Vladimir Putin faced a barrage of tricky questions from French media ahead of his meeting with world leaders at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Here are his best replies on key issues: Ukraine, Crimea and relations with the US. On Ukraine, its sovereignty and Russian troops: The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has been occupying the center of international attention since the end of last year. While the coup-appointed government in Kiev is carrying out a military crackdown on the southeast of the country, the US said that Russian troops are allegedly involved in the crisis and they have proof of that.
“What about proof? Why don’t they show it?” Putin told French media.
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