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Warning: Graphic Violence. This disturbing video clearly demonstrates the consequences of centralizing government power and disarming citizens. Genocide always follows, leaving millions of innocent victims dead.
Two Irving women are suing two Texas State Troopers in a shocking case for what they are calling an "unconstitutional" roadside search. And that's being polite. Very polite. Texas State Trooper Kelley Helleson, armed with a latex glove, gave 38-year-old Angel Dobbs and her niece 24-year-old Ashley Dobbs a full cavity search in full view of the public on Highway 161 in North Texas on July 13. The trooper probed the women's vaginas and anuses with her fingers on the side of a road as cars race by. The entire traffic stop was caught on a patrol car's dashboard video camera. Their crime? There wasn't one.
Imagine a society in which the individual or a family is defenseless against those who are larger and stronger, those with knives and clubs, and those who travel in gangs.
►Armed robberies up 69%
►Home invasions up 21%
Activists Advocate for Medicare-for-All as a Human Right. Activists for a new healthcare system met in Columbia, MD, on Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012. The purpose of the conference was to launch a campaign for a "publicly funded, universal single-payer healthcare, an improved form of Medicare, that covers all Marylanders." To learn more about the organizing groups, and the campaign itself, which considers healthcare a "human right," please go to: 26 photos on flickr, at:
Obama sounds like quite a hypocrite as he talks about the tragedy in Connecticut. This is the same man who approved the use of Predictor drones that have killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children, and it doesn't seem to bother him at all. The elite super rich who rule America want very much to remove gun ownership rights from the American people and the people of the world. They are worried that people could use their guns to rise up and resist should our masters impose a brutal and intolerable police state upon us. The movie "1984", is a close approximation of their ultimate plan for civilization, however instead of communism becoming the dominant political ideology as Orwell had theorized in his book, it will be a cruel fascist capitalist survival of the fittest hell world that awaits, after the removal of the guns.
On Dec. 10, 2012, social justice activists, many of them senior citizens associated with the MD/DC "Alliance for Retired Americans," staged a demonstration in front of the district office of Rep. Elijah Cummings (Dem-MD-7th), located at 910 Park Avenue, in mid-town Baltimore, MD. The protesters are concerned that the controversial deal, if any, to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff," will benefit the parasitical 2% Gang at the expense of the working class, the retirees and the poor. This kind of "candlelight" action also took place across the country in various other locations. This action was not in anyway meant to target Rep. Cummings. He's been a longtime champion of the people, Social Security and Medicare. In fact, Rep. Cummings, via his aide, was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the protesters. To learn more about this issue, go to: Three of the activists shared their concerns in this video about any cuts to Social Security/Medicare, re: The Fiscal Cliff deal.
An album of 16 photos from the demonstration, at:
A vision from hell, made for the people of Palestine by Israel with weapons from America. At the end of the video they show some dead children who have been shot a single time through the heart, a war crime reminiscent of the Nazis.
"As of December 9th The object has a black box over it!!! They have decided to black it out just like google sky. More evidence that this was real!!!" - survivepoleshift Planet X: Amateur Astronomer Sees Nibiru, Planet X, Wormwood for the First Time! | Planet X: A Viewer Has a Vision
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