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A simple virus brewed in the belly of a dead bird is set to embark on a global killing spree. The likely culprit is H5N1 - a bird flu virus with the dangerous potential to mutate into the next pandemic flu virus.
In a feature-length special, we tell the story of what could happen if a flu pandemic hits. Experts predict the next pandemic will be more disruptive than any disease we've seen before. And they're particularly worried that it will be most deadly for the young and otherwise healthy.
The last flu pandemic in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Nowadays, with extensive global travel and movement, the virus will be able to spread even more easily. The estimates are that hundreds of millions could be infected and potentially die.
"You can live in hopetimism for only so long and reality is going to set in..."
"How the USSA calculates the unemployment rate, 10 children die from NATO bombers... & let's build America back to the prosperous country it once was. Don't help destroy it's past! Rebuild it!"
This is a must-watch video featuring some of the top researchers on the healing effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) in it's raw form, eaten or juiced. Eating raw cannabis as medicine is a dietary essential. Cannabis helps all cell types to function more effectively. Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and "probably has some direct activity against cancerous cells". This plant can do phenomenal things. Researchers consider Cannabis to be the most important vegetable in the world.
Prostate Cancer Cured with Cannabis Oil - Part 1
Sadly, these huge breakthroughs in the healing powers of cannabis may never be legally available to Americans living outside the State of California. The Food and Drug Administration typically serves the interests of big pharma, the drug companies, and will probably not approve any new cannibals drugs and dietary products which aid in the prevention and treatment of disease. The drug companies see cannibals as a tremendous threat to many of their existing drug treatments including radiation based cancer drugs.
from: Bill Hughes
Peace and social justice activist, Max Obuszewski, from the “Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore,” shares his views on Earth Day/Endless War. Query: “Will the planet survive?” On this, the 43rd annual celebration of “Mother Earth,” April 22, 2013, he spotlighted the connection between the damage/waste/harm to our planet caused by the Pentagons’ endless wars, all of which were advocated by the “Military Industrial Complex” and authorized by the U.S. Congress. See: and Check out President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning about the awesome power and influence of the Military-Industrial Complex, at: Also, to learn more about this entity, go to:
2. An album of eight photos, at:
Nikola Tesla was an electrical engineer who changed the world with the invention of the AC (alternating current) induction motor, making the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. So why is he virtually unknown to the general public? This rare film stars Orson Welles and features a dramatic recreation of a meeting between Nikola Tesla, Industrialist J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison, that would decide the fate and future of today's Electric Power Industry in America and the world. But what happened to Tesla?
from: Bill Hughes
At the Parkview Recreation Center in West Baltimore, on Thursday evening, April 18, 2013, the Rev. Dr. MinisterParis J. Evans served as the host, and one of the speakers, at a “CODE RED” community-based outreach meeting. The program was mainly geared to addressing the issues of “poverty, the crime rate...and reducing homicides in targeted areas, while assisting the crime victims.” A speaker, in addition to Rev. Evans was Mark Matthews. He’s associated with the “Clean Slate America” campaign. For more information on the efforts of his organization to get criminal records expunged, see: The meeting had the support of the “Safe Streets Initiative,“ and “The Peoples Empowered Voices,” and others. To learn more about Dr. Evans’ Ministries, check out:
from: Bill Hughes
Drone warfare, its legality, ethics and military use, was examined at a workshop held on the campus of Johns Hopkins University, at Remsen Hall, in Baltimore, MD, on Tuesday afternoon, April 16, 2013. One of the panel members was Medea Benjamin, a peace & social justice activist and cofounder of CODEPINK. She is also the author of the book, “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control.” It was disclosed during the discussion that U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has admitted that “over 4,700 people” have been killed in drone strikes. Ms. Benjamin said that the opponents of “killer drones” need to work hard to give the use of these lethal weapons, “a bad name!” She underscored that recent polls show that a “negative image” on their use in growing throughout the country. Ms. Benjamin proposed as as starter “to get the use of drones out of the hands of the CIA!” She insisted that there continued use is “counterproductive” to our national interest and plays right into the hands of “our enemies.” To learn more about this controversial issue, go to: and and and
Over four years ago, President Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Prison! It still remains open. At noon, on Thursday, April 11, 2013, over a hundred Human Rights activists staged a "Day of Action" demonstration in front of the White House, (and, at many other sites around the country, too), to remind him to keep his word on this important public policy, legal and moral issue. At the end of the rally, Peace & Justice Activist Frank Cordaro of the Catholic Worker Community in Des Moines, Iowa, read a poem, entitled, "Is It True?" It was written by one of the prisoners at Guantanamo.
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