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If Paul Ryan had lied like that at a minimum wage job interview he wouldn't have gotten the job, but the office of vice president doesn't require the moral fiber of a security guard or a cashier. On the contrary, moral fiber is a liability. If one wants to get ahead and win in the game of American politics it's important to lie with a straight face without batting an eye and without any pesky moral convictions.
And when lying politicians get into office they usually become wealthy by pandering to the rich and powerful. They busy themselves passing bills written by corporate lawyers for the benefit of corporations. They start wars that profit the banks and military industrial complex. The American people are exploited, enslaved, and killed for profit while their jobs are outsourced and their country is sold out.
We are witnessing the failure of American democracy. The freedoms and values that Americans entrusted to their leaders are being steadily whittled away through increasing corporate power over an increasingly incompetent and ineffectual government. The politicians serve only the banks, military industrial complex, and the corporations. America is falling into the depths of economic collapse, currency collapse, war, and police state. America could become a third world country and a shadow of the great beacon of prosperity, opportunity, and freedom that it was.
Bills Commentary on Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney's easy success.
"I say fuck politics, I'm a VERY Hardworking african american. Woman who takes care of myself. No kids two jobs and bills up the ass. I cannot afford to pay for school and the government says I make too much from them to when people who grew up with money tell me to "WORK HARDER" as if they did..., I want to smack the shit out of them...that's why I'm not voting for Romney. He grew up with money and that 47% comment showed he thinks he's above 47% of us." YouTube comment by: lodiedodiee
Monsanto: "It's the FDA's job to make sure our foods are safe".
FDA: "Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”
Average Americans have such tiny cranial cavities, that knowing if their food contains GMOs could cause their heads to explode...
Our leaders are lying. the economy isn't getting better.
American trend forecaster, business consultant, and author Gerald Celente, discusses the accelerating economic meltdown that could ultimately lead to Martial Law in America.
This is a snippet of a longer interview. Outsourcing is a major blame - No middle Class jobs left. No jobs for University graduates. Manufacturing has been destroyed. And therefore no income. Powerful corporations are happy with this. No discussion on this situation is happening. Sovereign debt is being used to strengthen the EU, weaken the individual states, and also to let the banks off the hook for any responsibilty. The protests in Greece and Spain could turn into revolutions
This is a documentary thriller about how Agro-Chemical multinational corporations victimize international scientists to prevent them from publishing their scary findings.
What does environmental devastation actually look like? At TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project -- and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat.
For almost twenty years, Garth's photography of threatened wilderness regions, devastation, and the impacts on indigenous peoples, has appeared in the world's leading publications. His recent images from the boreal region of Canada have helped lead to significant victories and large new protected areas in the Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Ontario. Garth's major touring exhibit on the Tar Sands premiered on Los Angeles in 2011 and recently appeared in New York. Garth is a Fellow of the International League Of Conservation Photographers.
Spain's police state has spiraled out of control as riot police are now running throughout the streets beating everyone in sight, men and woman, young and old.
When the people demand democracy from an oligarchy that rules their subjects trough the strong-arm of a totalitarian police state the streets fill with the madness and mayhem seen in this video.
Since September 25th the masses of Spain, no longer being able to feed themselves or their families, have risen up against the oligarchy to protest further budget cuts and massive tax increases, a situation so dire it threatens their very survival.
While the masses suffer these unspeakable atrocities the poor are being robbed yet again to bail out the rich.
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