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Abby Martin takes a closer look at the incestuous relationship between the White House and Monsanto, by calling out Romney and Obama's longstanding ties with the company.
Abby dissects the ongoing narrative of sweeping generalizations resounding in the establishment following a wave of protests that have spread across the Muslim world and explores why 'they' really hate the West. ABOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION: Did you know that only SIX corporations control everything you read and hear in the mainstream media? This is 'Weapons of Mass Distraction'. Host Abby Martin's mission is to sort through the sensationalist garbage that makes headlines to find out what is really happening behind the scenes.
What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a "Vimana" entrapped in a "Time Well" that has already caused the "disappearance" of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been hidden in for the past estimated 5,000 years.
The government has declared it can lock anyone up forever or kill them without any proof or due process. DHS has placed an order for 450 million rounds of Hollow Point ammo. Obama can now declare martial law during peace time. I think that just about says it all. "We are Preparing for Massive Civil War," Says DHS Informant
Why The Organic Trade Association and Corporate Organic Food Brands do NOT want Labeling of Genetically Engineered and Genetically Modified Foods. This Video provides financial evidence that the President of the Board of Directors at the Organic Trade Association, Julia Sabin, individually profits off of Genetically engineered foods as a VP and General Manager at Smuckers.
A spokeswoman for the Philadelphia Police Department said that the woman was cited for disorderly conduct. Philadelphia police have launched an internal investigation into the incident.
The poor woman had almost made it out of the street and over to the curb when she was punched in the mouth and knocked to the pavement by a monster twice her size. As in all such cases the officer will be found innocent of any wrongdoing because the police are doing what the government wants them to do: beating, brutalizing, terrorizing, and sometimes killing the American people. There are thousands of police brutality cases reported each year in America and only a token few are ever prosecuted.
We continue our conversation with the legendary poet, author and activist, Alice Walker, who has also been a longtime advocate for the rights of Palestinians. Last summer, she was one of the activists on the U.S. ship that attempted to sail to Gaza as part of the Freedom Flotilla aimed at challenging Israel’s embargo of the Gaza Strip. Alice Walker also serves on the jury of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, an international people’s tribunal created in 2009 to bring attention to the responsibility other states bear for Israel’s violations of international law. Walker describes her upbringing in the segregated South, then goes on to discuss today’s segregation in the Occupied Territories. "The unfairness of it is so much like the South. It’s so much like the South of 50 years ago, really, and actually more brutal, because in Palestine so many more people are wounded, shot, shot, killed, imprisoned. You know, there are thousands of Palestinians in prison virtually for no reason,” Walker says. [includes rush transcript]
Netanyahu told the world that Iraq had nuclear weapons to convince the American people to go to war against Iraq, but we all know now it was a total lie. Now he is telling the same lie about Iran.
Enlightened words that will fall on a violent and ignorant world.
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