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"In this video, I present the evidence that suggests there is a Planet X. This is not flimsy evidence; This is rock solid, concrete evidence, cogent and coherent facts, presented as a list, with a little explanation and commentary. I think this video will blow you away! If you are a non-believer, take off that shirt and put on, 'BELIEVER', because once you have seen this video, you won't ever be the same, again!"
Another main Republican plank was the reform of Social Security. Under a complex partial privatization plan crafted by Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan (Roadmap For America’s Future), Social Security and Medicare benefits would be cut, cost-of-living increases trimmed, and the retirement age for those under 55 would be “modernized” to eventually reach 70. At the same time, the Social Security agency itself would be significantly downsized to a level of predictable inefficiency. | Rense & Celente - Society is Now a Rotten Fish
by RTAmerica
Ever since industrial agriculture has started producing tomatoes, they have all started looking the same. That's because consumers want the ripest, reddest, roundest tomatoes they can get, and big business makes sure they got it. The question though is what producing genetically identical tomatoes does for the taste and nutritional value. Barry Estabrook, author of "Tomato-land: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit," joins RT's Liz Wahl to discuss the matter. Genetic Roulette Movie Trailer
Directed by Todd Southgate
A new “soy rush” has been kick- started, and large-scale farm producers from all over Brazil are flocking to the Amazon forest in hopes of striking it rich with this golden crop. Yet all this comes at a price. Communities -- most often those found in the forest -- are often violently expelled from their lands in the wake of this uncontrolled scramble to plant soy. For Brazil, it’s all in the name of progress. Still, to ask those whom have been chased from their lands and have seen first-hand the ecological wrath which has followed in the wake of soy in the region of Santarem, this new cash crop in the Amazon has brought nothing but destruction and misery. For more information
"Do we all work for Central Bankers? Is this Global Governance at last? Is it One World.. with the Central Bankers in charge?" "To answer your question: We are absolutely slave to Central Banks" "Markets are driven by policy now, they're not driven by market forces" "Fiat currency thats continually watered down.. so the markets go up and we feel good about it" "We are basically beholden to Central Bankers" "..admits (Federal Reserve) are debasing currency and borrowing our way to false prosperity" "Every Central Bank in the world has to devalue their currency" "Free markets will fight back and ultimately they'll win"
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