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America, Israel, and NATO attacked and destroyed Libya in the name of human rights and democracy. But America and Israel have never been about human rights and democracy. They are all about crushing freedom and looting the countries of the middle east and Africa while killing and enslaving the people.
America has more people incarcerated in it's massive corporate prison system than the entire world combined. Thousands are beaten, arrested, and killed, families are broken up and destroyed by our brutal government and marijuana is the excuse.
"The simple truth about America's marijuana prohibition: any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy. With 800,000 annual arrests over an herb used by tens of millions of Americans, it is the cornerstone of a police state." - Harvey Wasserman.
Romney wants this to continue.
ral court deemed the NDAA unconstitutional, the US House of Representatives refused to exclude indefinite detention provisions from the infamous defense spending bill during a vote on Friday. An attempt to strike down any provisions allowing for the US military to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge from next year’s National Defense Authorization Act was shot down Friday morning in the House of Representatives.
from: Susan Lindauer, on RT
to place sanctions on anyone who opposes what Washington calls a democratic process in Yemen. Anti-war activist Susan Lindauer says this brings the US right into Al-Qaeda’s trap.
Yemen is fighting an alleged Al-Qaeda insurgency with military support from the United States. On top of this, the Arab state continues to suffer from months of political unrest, with anti-government protesters demanding more reforms.
RT: Do members of the peaceful opposition in Yemen fall under these new US sanctions?
Susan Lindauer: Bad news for Barack Obama – the United States has played right into the hands of Al-Qaeda. It’s been a long-term ambition of Al-Qaeda to manipulate the United States into putting sanctions on Yemen, so that they can alienate the very impoverished Yemeni people from the central government. Yemen is a scrabble poor country, desperately poor. They are running out of water, they have no food, they have limited hospitals, limited educational opportunities.
Yemen sits right next toward Saudi Arabia. Ever since the bombing of the USS Cole, Al-Qaeda has made it clear that it wants to establish a base inside Yemen to attack the Saudi oil fields right next door. And anything that they can do to alienate the Yemeni people from the central authority and the West, the United States’ cause [would be] a great victory for them. It’s a very bad decision by the United States.
A New Jersey man on his way to pay for a car he bought on ebay has $20,000 stolen from him by a local Tennessee police officer in the name of the War on Drugs.
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. Ludwig von Mises.
wtf people we are in a world of shit. In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it. america a made in china store ran by federal reserve bank Nearly all US Presidents are Related to the British and French Royal Families selected by Bilderberg Group with fake elections have great time with soft kill Vaccines & have cold glass of Fluoride and Water & gmo food & injoy some RFID CHIPS with cell phones & take nice Vacation your FEMA camps so they can treat you well with the NDAA :) wellcome to the USA Drone bees drone bugs flying computers to kill U DEAD & the air is safe as well we got chemtrails injoy your short painful life in the 10 fema regions & CISPA style innernet & Shadow Government | Who Rules America & Jewish Controlled Media & have a Orwellian day.
For the working class and the poor there is no justice in America, our legal system is completely dysfunctional.
Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed.
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