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Russia Today News, and are the American people stupid enough to keep believing politicians lies and voting for them?
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday afternoon, Feb. 4, 2012, a demonstration was staged at the White House. Protesters demanded "No War on Iran!" The spirited event was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, along with other Peace & Justice advocacy organizations.
Edward Adler, the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times in candor and chutzpah suggested that Israel assassinate the President of the United States to serve its war agenda against Iran. He states matter-of-factly in the article that Israels highest inner circles have certainly considered the operation. In 2009 I wrote an article for that stated that the biggest Zionist danger would be an assassination of Obama, which would propel their agenda and put the final nails in the coffin of American freedom. Now this Jewish extremist editor proves that my concerns were completely justified. This video is the ultimate expose' of Zionist treachery and treason against America.
from: Bill Hughes
On Thursday afternoon, Feb. 2, 2012, activists staged a mock "Funeral for the American Dream," in West Baltimore. After speeches at the John Wesley United Methodist Church, the demonstration moved to a branch of the Wells Fargo bank to spotlight the role of the Wall Street Banksters in bringing on "the foreclosure crisis." "Good Jobs Better Baltimore," SEIU Locals, 1199 and 32BJ, Occupy Baltimore, along with MoveOn, and others, participated in the spirited event.
One of the main demands from Occupiers is the closure of the gap between those living the high life and those for who struggling in a tough economy is a full-time job. The latest forecasts are not optimistic though, because the gap appears to be widening. RT's Anastasia Churkina reports from New York.
We learned to love you
from the historical heights
where the sun of your bravery
laid siege to death
Here lies the clear,
the deep transparency
of your beloved presence,
Comandante Che Guevara
Your glorious and strong hand
over History it shoots
when all of Santa Clara
awakens to see you
You come burning the breeze
with springtime suns
to plant the flag
with the light of your smile
Your revolutionary love
leads you to new undertaking
where yearned is the firmness
of your liberating arm
We will carry on
as we followed you then
and with Fidel we say to you:
"Until always, Commandant!"
Chávez, Correa y Aleida Guevara (Che Guevara´s daughter) singing "Hasta siempre comandante"
This is a video illustrating the political/social commentary of public graffiti.
It starts out juxtaposing Bush with Obama -- essentially one just took the kleptocratic baton from the other without missing a beat. Then it touches on the downtrodden and disenfranchised. It then moves into the mass media propaganda machine, then mindless consumerism, our oil addiction, empire's oil-centric/exploitive foreign policy, the corporate driven military industrial complex, the environmental consequences of fossil fuels, and then the evolution (fate) of man.
The soundtrack that accompanies the video is claimed to be an unreleased song by NIN entitled "It All Fades".
Thanks to Abby Martin for posting my video at her important website:
"On Friday January 20th, Congress dropped the bills in the wake of the largest online protest in history." SOPA and PIPA were dropped; but yeah, they are going to be making new bills similar to them. meanwhile UK Student Richard O'Dwyer is being extradited to the United States to face USA Courts for just LINKING to copyrighted material on his webpage The USA is using an extradition treaty intended to be used for terrorist to bring England Resident Richard O'Dwyer to America to be imprisoned for copyright infringement for what he did on his site in spite of the Fact that he broke no UK / England Laws and has never been to the USA.This is horrifying.whats next, copyright every word!A law payed to convert a "free" capitalist country to a communist one, only for the benefit of that 1%. When do people lost their freedom and power? They nearly passed the laws without anyone noticed...
Tent community with more than 1000 people along the American River just north of Downtown Sacramento, CA
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