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Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.
Israeli soldier kidnapping a Palestinian child
NATO's presence in Libya little resembles a humanitarian mission with houses, hospitals and schools being hit. But Libya prospered prior to NATO's intrusion, Yvonne Di Vito, an activist from told RT. RT: You have been saying that here in Italy the news reports abut what is happening in Libya were very confusing, a lot of conflicting information there. Can you tell us what you saw and what you found?
Yvonne Di Vito:
We went to Libya on the 28th July and we came back on the 7th August and we found a totally different situation because NATO was bombarding civilians. The bombings were not only carried out on military targets, but they also hit houses, hospitals, schools, television centers, and this was totally against the humanitarian reasons they said they were there for.
I believe they were doing this to bring panic in the city. That's why they were bombing the things that people use daily, like places with food and essential utilities like hospitals.
This was also a difficult period for Muslims because of Ramadan and that is why in the daytime they're in their houses. We went to Tripoli and to Zitan and we saw huge protests with thousands of pro-Gaddafi supporters turning out against NATO and all these demonstrations were not shown in Italy.
We also visited Tanjur and Sansur and found a lot of women that were screaming at us, asking 'Why you Italians are bombing us? What did we do to you? Why are you killing our children?' That was their main question. When we went to Zitan, the same day they bombed a house and in this house two children were killed. We tried to show the pictures of these children that were dead. But apart from us, no one else did the same.
Except the things that we saw with our own eyes visiting these places that were bombed, we have so much material that press officers and journalists from Libya gave to us as testimony to all the dead from the NATO bombings.
After all the things that we saw we have one question: is this a humanitarian war? Are they really helping the civilians, because I believe that all this is because of economic reasons, or at least there are other reasons that this war happened, petroleum or other things.
We also visited Libya before and what we found was a normal situation where people were fine. Differently from other countries that went through a revolution -- Libya is considered to be the Switzerland of the African continent and is very rich and schools are free for the people. Hospitals are free for the people. And the conditions for women are much better than in other Arab countries.
from: Bill Hughes
On Thursday, October 20, 2011, UNITE HERE's Local 7, which represents hotel and hospitality workers, staged a demonstration/picket line in front of the Baltimore Convention Center at Charles & Pratt Streets. It was in support of the Centerplate workers and their efforts to "restore their slashed wages and their health insurance." The Convention Center is a block west of the "Occupy Baltimore" site.
A lot of people are not pleased with President Obama after he approved a plan for BP to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, the first of its kind since last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion. Among the upset factions is the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, Ed Markey. "Comprehensive safety legislation hasn't passed Congress, and BP hasn't paid the fines they owe for their spill, yet BP is being given back the keys to drill in the Gulf," he said. The New York Times explains the plan:
These were the brave and free people of Libya. Because of their leader Moammar Gadhafi, they enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the world. Their cities, their hospitals, schools and water treatment facilities have been bombed. Their oil depots have been seized and the oil now flows for free to Europe and Israel. The bank of Libya is now in the hands of Rothschild, and the massive gold reserves of Libya are probably also in the hands of Rothschild. Tens of thousands of women and children have been slaughtered and raped by paid Nato-mercenaries. Libya is being crushed and looted to destruction and the American media calls this liberation, freedom, and democracy.
At a rally in St. Louis on August 12, 2011, several people with savings and checking accounts at Bank of America tried to walk into the building to close their accounts. The suits and the police they had there to back them up wouldn't allow it.
As December 21, 2012 and the galactic alignment draws near could it be that the consciousness of humanity is awakening? All of humanity are slaves to the super rich, the banks, the oil companies, and the military industrial complex, which profits from war death and human suffering. They have stolen and stored away the secrets to unlimited electric power which can be pulled from the magnetic field around the earth, they have hidden away the secrets of hydrogen power, anti gravity, and many other power sources and also medical breakthroughs. There is enough bounty on the earth for all of humanity ten times over, but the evil powerful ones don't want humanity to have any of it. All of this technology is for them only. And what do they want for all of humanity? They want us to die and get off their estate- planet earth. Surly with all this marching and protesting they are worried. How terrible it would be for them if they lost control before they can carry out their plan.
Take a look war loving Americans, and Zionists at the wonderful freedom you are bringing to the women and children of Libya, but first ask yourself the question: Do you have a strong stomach? Can you look upon the horror that you support?
"Poor children... I have no words after watching this... There no heart and mind doing such things like bombing children and their mothers. I hate people who doing that - they are no people, they are stinky rats! I hope Green fighter have enough poison for vanishing these rats from Libya's face.
I hope these children will be fine after cure, I really do! There's no any reason to doing these ugly and brutal things.
Fucking rebels scum and nato... Let them burn in hell!!!" - zolotojsnegify
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