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On the 19th of July 2011, people in Fukushima had a meeting with government officals from Tokyo to demand that the government evacuate people promptly in Fukushima and provide financial and logistical support for them. Also, they brought urine of children to the meeting and demanded that the government test it.
Having killed the boy at 4:44 p.m., according to the San Francisco Chronicle, in broad daylight at the main intersection – Third Street between Palou and Oakdale – in Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco’s last largely Black neighborhood, the police seemed eager to terrorize the community. They waited and waited and waited as the teenager stopped moving but continued breathing before eventually setting him on a gurney and taking him to the hospital, where the Chronicle reports he died at 7:01 p.m.“Why should you die for a transfer?” asked a witness known as Tiptoe in the crowd of hundreds of residents that soon gathered in the plaza at the Oakdale/Palou light rail stop. “Justice will be brought!” hollered one man repeatedly in a booming voice as the crowd shouted at the long line of police in riot gear standing between them and the dying youngster. “I saw the riot squad fly by me on Palou yesterday – five trucks in all,” wrote Bayview resident Sherry Bryson on Facebook.
You are resented by the elite. They want to get rid of you and eugenics is their preferred method. Alex breaks it down. EndGame Blueprint For Global Enslavement
by 108morris108
A fresh report from Tripoli on the mood and situation on the ground. Franklin Lamb is a well known International lawyer who provides regular updates from the Arab world. Recorded July 10 2011
He can be reached at
from: Bill Hughes
On Saturday, July 9, 2011, at noon, a rally was held at the White House. Its focus was on stopping the bombing/War on Libya. Speaking on camera are: Brian Becker, Sasha Murphy, Sharon Black and Eugene Puryear. The spirited demonstration was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition. To learn more, go to: There was also a counter-demonstration at the White House site.
Shipping 30,000 guns in to Mexico by the ATF, FBI and DEA is a act of staged terror in Mexico and the U S.
How bankers are involved in raping and pillaging of Libya. They are doing it to other countries also. Goldman Sachs invested money from Libya's sovereign wealth fund and lost almost all. All of the clips are from Russia Today. Bankers, Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund, Gaddafi, Goldman Sachs.
Ellen Brown is an attorney and president of the Public Banking Institute, In Web of Debt, her latest of eleven books, she shows how the power to create money has been usurped from the people, and how we can get it back. Her websites are and For information on specific state bank legislation, see here. WE CAN PUT OUR MONEY BACK IN OUR OWN COMMUNITIES!!!
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