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While filming a police line at Occupy Oakland after midnight on Nov. 3 following the Nov. 2 general strike, an officer opens fire and shoots me with a rubber bullet. I was standing well back. There was no violence or confrontations of any kind underway. At 0:31 seconds you can see a tall officer in the front raise his weapon and then fire. This is the full clip of the incident.
Vandana Shiva speaks at Right2Know March in front of the white House October 16 2011, World Food Day.
A million people withdraw their money from the big banks to protest the big bank's greed driven fee structure. In response the banks say they will increase fees and peneltys even more to recoup the lost revenue they have suffered from the peoples actions. Let us hope in their amazing blind arrogance the banks will destroy themselves.
When Wisconsin Governor gave a speech at Chicago's Union League Club the morning of Nov 3rd, he has some unexpected guests:
Stand Up! Chicago
Why the American people should occupy and prosecute the criminal Wall Street International Banks.
from: Bill Hughes
On Wednesday evening, November 2, 2011, Baltimore activists staged a demonstration reflecting their solidarity with the "Occupy Oakland" movement. The event was held at the "Occupy Baltimore" site at McKeldin Square, at Pratt and Lights Streets. The Baltimore chapter of the "Bail Out the People" organization led the action.
In Nice, France, the 20 most powerful nations will be meeting to discuss economic issues that have been plaguing the globe. At the meeting site protesters have started gathering to show their opposition. The demonstrations are planned to last for four days and will allow for protesters to speak out against globalization and capitalism. Charlie McGrath, founder of, explores the two demonstrations.
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